Initially today I was feeling rather lazy to the point of not feeling like attending any classes, but of course I decided not to skip any; the lecture class and then the laboratory class in the morning lasted until about 2:30 (we took a long time experimenting for our research project, which incidentally is about the dynamics of dripping).
Had lunch at Kha's (the Persian place at the arcade) with Jeanne. Keema masala + Persian bread, "That's Not What You Think" (spicy hodgepodge soup) + rice = satiation + spicy burps. Passed by the SC and grabbed a crossword (i.e., a broadsheet, for which we have no other use, really), the Manila Bulletin's, this time. Sat around and did the crossword for a while, but after a while tired of it for some reason - even though it wasn't particularly difficult - and just enjoyed the (relatively) cool, windy afternoon.
I was supposed to have a 5:30 class, but we ended up not meeting today. So Jeanne and I proceeded to SM North, where we walked around and eventually ate at the newly-opened Savory. Pretty good food, especially of course their famous fried chicken, even discounting some sentimental connections on my part (i.e., my dad used to bring home food from a Savory near the office for special occasions when I was a kid).
Apart from eating I flailed around a bit at the (cheap!) arcade upstairs, playing this rhythm game, pretty much Dance Dance, but with your hands. Fun, and I seem to be improving, at least I managed to not make too big a fool out of myself, playing even with both sides at once, hehe, oh no, I seem to be getting hooked on the stuff, good thing tokens only cost 5 pesos each.