Friday, September 26, 2008


So, first time at Sarah's. Finally, I can call myself a UP student.

First time in a long while to meet the applied physics people again; it was fun to get together with batchmates and just talk.

Four Red Horses, and I could've had more, except that I had to let the buzz and the smell wear off before going home. Eheh.

Guys, guys! Sa Baguio na ulit! Doon pwede na maglasing nang seryoso! Bwahaha.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The same old scientific eggs.

Albert Einstein to his childhood friend Paul Habicht, written in Connecticut, 5 July, 1935. The reference in the first sentence is to Habicht's ill-health.

"I heard recently that the Devil - the only one who is never without work these days - has had his claws firmly in you. He will let you go again sooner or later, as in the long period of our separation has already happened to me twice, although he seemed to have me firmly in his paws. Do you still remember when we were young, and we were working together on those nice little electrostatic machines? Do you also remember our conversation about the politics of Germany, which you were still defending during the war, while I had already got to know at first hand the consequent dangers? I weighed anchor just at the right moment from there, so that I at least didn't get to feel the claws of the clean-cut heroes in my back. I have now set up home in this curious new world and am still brooding like an old hen on the same old scientific eggs, even if the bodily warmth which one needs for brooding has rather diminished over the years. What is so nice in this country is that the people don't sit so much on top of one another and, as a result, feel more comfortable with each other. So I sit here the whole summer in a quiet bay and sail in a little sailing boat as much as I want to. And one becomes some sort of Indian in this sun."

(from The Greatest Letters Ever Written, via viim)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


These past few days have seen a grim return
of something I surmised had disappeared.
At least I thought I would learn more before
again I volunteered (without concern)
untreated chunks of ore, which, though sincere,
all need a master, not a paramour.

Okay, okay, the meter's not so strict.
And yes perhaps the rather rigid rhyme
(for sure a purely arbitrary pick)
just clouds all meaning, obvious or sublime.

But then again is that not just the point?
The heavens choose a blest few to anoint.


Well that was a pointless waste of time. Fun, but pointless.

Kudos to the first person to guess what the title acronym stands for. Pretty obvious, I should say.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Guys, guys.

Um, I seem to have contracted a severe case of Facebook. *hides*


Here's a fun little toy: Wordle. You enter text either by pasting it in or by providing the URL to any website with an RSS feed, and it converts your input into these nifty word clouds. The image above was generated from a 4,000 word story (for the lack of a better word) of mine from long ago - which I am still quite fond of.

Saturday, September 06, 2008


I've had a Plurk account for a while, but haven't been using it much. Any of you guys also use Plurk? It's something like Twitter, only... better? From what I hear, anyway, since I don't have personal experience with Twitter.

Visit my Plurk page!