I haven't been as productive as I'd hoped, which is no big surprise, but still disappointing. I have made a few tentative steps towards learning various things, but my problem is actually doing something with the references and resources that I've collected.
The underlying issue seems to be one of direction. Up to now, even with the copious amounts of whining I've done (published in this blog or no), I still feel about as aimless as before. My attempts (what attempts? read: intentions) to plan out at least the remaining weeks in the year have so far not borne any fruit.
So, it's all been more or less ad hoc. I'd approach each possible task intending to really get into it, but then find that I possess neither enough motivation nor enough energy and drive to overcome that lack of motivation.
Maybe I need a general tune-up before I even attempt to proceed on this noble but somewhat ambitious project of self-directed learning and improvement. For the rest of the year, my goal will just be to institute some habits to help me get into the right condition. I'll list some of them now, maybe I'll add to this list as time goes on.
- Sleep early, wake up early.
- Exercise daily.
- Give up (the regular consumpion of) coffee, junk food, and eat with more awareness.
- Do one difficult thing every day.
(Of course, these concrete steps are no substitute for finding my direction/ motivation. But they can't hurt, and will most probably help, right?)