Thursday, December 01, 2011


I've never been the gift-giving type. I never know what to give people, and even though I sometimes get the urge to do so, I hesitate because it seems like it would somehow be unfair if I started giving gifts only selectively, but then it seems overwhelming to have to think of giving gifts even just to my very small circle of family, friends, and acquaintances.

Perhaps I'm just too prematurely self-conscious about it, fearing that recipients wouldn't like whatever I get them, and that this would just make them hate or pity me all the more (if they don't already thoroughly loathe me, but then again, I suppose I really wouldn't be giving gifts to those people now, would I?).

It's December, and Christmas is just around the corner, and I'm not yet sure if I'm getting anyone anything. On the other hand, maybe I can guilt myself into finally getting over my stupid fear by thinking of all that I've received over the years, and how now it's time to give back. Hmm, no, not working.


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Maybe that's because you're a self-centered bunghole.

  2. @Anonymous: That possibility HAS crossed my mind. (Alternatively: well, we already knew that, didn't we?)

  3. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Haha, didn't know that Jeanne commented along the same vein already. My my, do I feel redundant.
    At least you're consistent?
