1. Will you be looking for a new job?
That's for the year after next, when I (hopefully) graduate. Part-times, well, I doubt I'll have enough time or motivation to look for new gigs, what with the thesis looming over all.
2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?
Heh. Next question.
3. New house?
I don't think so. That's for quite far off in the future.
4. What will you do differently in 2008?
Well, I guess I'll try to get back to blogging more regularly. As I fill out this meme, I find that I do miss nattering on about my life to the uncaring sort-of-anonymous Internet presences.
In fact, the latter half or so of this year feels strangely uneventful, without the benefit of (much) blog coverage. (Though it wasn't uneventful, really.)
5. New Year's resolutions?
The usual: try to live more healthily (exercise, proper diet, increased water intake), try to deal better with stress, perhaps try to get better organized in general.
I actually never really went for this New Year's resolution stuff. These are more like the general goals that I have in the back of my mind all the time. Maybe a better resolution would be to air out my mind, as it were, and finally start to get things done?
6. What will you not be doing in 2008?
...that I've done or been doing this year? Hmm, let's see. Overspending, I hope? Though that's really easier said than done.
7. Any trips planned?
Nope, not any big ones at least.
8. Wedding plans?
Heh. Next question.
9. What's on your calendar?
UP Fair and other ExL business. Research work for experimental physics class. The start of my last undergraduate year in June, and the frenzy and senti-ness that comes with it. I think that's pretty much it.
10. What can't you wait for?
The resumption of classes. Honestly. It's been getting a bit too lazy and aimless around here. (Yes, I'm talking to you, you.) Apart from that, it seems that things are far enough away to wait for.
11. What would you like to see happen differently?
Yeah, this is a strange question. I suppose you mean as opposed to how the same or similar things happened this year? Well for starters I think I'd like to see my room clean, and stay clean. Heh. Right now it's the typical mess.
I'd also like to see me doing things a bit differently. Which brings us to...
12. What about yourself will you be changing?
I should spend more time writing. The latter half of this year saw the creative juices remain... unjuiced. Yeah. Ahem.
But seriously, I think I should try and see how much more I can develop in that respect. Own-horn-tooting aside, I think there might just be the potential for some more growth, some more fulfillment.
The same thing goes for my academic life, too. I can see how putting in more effort can lead to proportionally greater rewards, so, I suppose I should give it, heh, the old college try.
13. What happened in 2007 that you didn't think would ever happen?
Me watching two musicals (Into the Woods, Avenue Q) in close succession? What else happened this year... Oh, hmm, me actually following through on an organizational scheme? I've been using index cards clipped together as a sort of makeshift organizer, and it's lasted, what, since the latter half of November.
My system's actually far from refined, but it's working well enough (i.e., better than nothing at all).
14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 2007?
I don't have any specific plans, but it's possible, yeah, if I suddenly felt like it. Right now, though, I don't think so.
16. Will you start or quit drinking?
Never really did it that much in the first place. I won't suddenly abstain from all alcohol, though, i.e., I'll continue drinking on occasion.
17. Will you better your relationship with your family?
How do I know if I'll be able to? I'll try, yeah.
18. Will you do charity work?
If I suddenly see the point, I guess.
19. Will you go to bars?
If there's a good group of people to go with, why the hell not? But it doesn't seem like a scene I'd frequent.
20. Will you be nice to people you don't know?
I've been trying to work on this, with so-so results. I'll continue trying. (Sorry, people I don't know!)
21. Do you expect 2008 to be a good year for you?
Yeah, I suppose. I've been feeling a bit more in control lately, and thus it's easier to be optimistic about the future.
22. How much did you change from this time last year til now?
A lot, I think. You know how things are this stage in life, all crazy shifting and malleable. I don't much regret anything, which is good. But I still have quite a ways to go.
23. Do you plan on having a child?
Heh. Next question.
24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
Y-y-yes? Friends, back me up here?
25. Major lifestyle changes?
Hmm, just the aforementioned healthier living schtick. And will try to write more, smile more, drink more water.
26. Will you be moving?
Nope, barring unforeseen circumstances.
27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in '08 that happened in '07?
Projects and other requirements getting unnecessarily delayed, I suppose. Better work habits, less procrastination.
Items getting stolen from me, as well.
28. What are your New Year's Eve plans?
Whatever the family's doing. Probably eat a lot, cover my nose from the gunpowder, and eat some more. Fall asleep happy and full.
29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
Sort of. Heh. Next question.
30. One wish for 2008?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Some new-old pictures.
Ex Libris Christmas Party 2007!
(Warning, not very good pictures here. But still, feel free to look around.)
Cubao Expo
Lunch at Bellini's, then some pictures from a vintage shop.
Toast Box, Trinoma
(Better shots of food here than before, at Bellini's, where we even forgot to take pictures of the pizza! It was here afterwards at Toast Box that we figured out the "super macro" setting of the digicam. Hehe.)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Like I promised:
In the picture: Jeanne, me, Vilma, and part of Arvin. Not in picture: Carl, AD. This is us hurrying through the RCBC Plaza entrance area before the show.
Note the frenetic smiles; we had to run around looking for the right jeep to take us to this place from Glorietta. We arrived safely (with fifteen minutes to spare!).
(Stolen from AD's multiply.)
Avenue Q!
Even though we had to spend a semi-obscene amount on tickets (in fairness, we got second row sort-of-center seats) and even if I have an exam in less than eight hours, I have to say, it was pretty much worth it. Got to wear a rather snazzy outfit (maybe will post a picture later), and the show itself was great, very enjoyable.
First act went for laughs (and succeeded), while the second act contained the requisite drama. Performance of the actors was generally decent or better; the guy who held Nicky and Trekkie Monster had remarkably good timing.
Anyway, maybe a more in-depth review/reaction later, or maybe not. For now, have to review a bit more for Envi Sci. Bye!
First act went for laughs (and succeeded), while the second act contained the requisite drama. Performance of the actors was generally decent or better; the guy who held Nicky and Trekkie Monster had remarkably good timing.
Anyway, maybe a more in-depth review/reaction later, or maybe not. For now, have to review a bit more for Envi Sci. Bye!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Transcript, volume 2 v1.0
You cannot make out anything, but get a vague sense of disarray from what surrounds you. Squinting, you see a shape hunched over a keyboard and a computer screen.
There don't appear to be any exits.
>examine shape
Upon closer inspection, you realize that it's the same person, the author from before, but now much more tired-looking. Rumpled clothes, rumpled hair, lightly bloodshot eyes, and intense attention to what he's currently typing as to make him oblivious to anything else. His fingers do not rest for very long and move in quick bursts over the keys.
He does not seem to notice you.
You jump up and flap your arms up and down for a bit, but gravity seems to be working properly now.
>now what?
How should I know?
The sense of disarray becomes almost oppressive. You look around but still cannot see anything specific. Except for the computer screen, the keyboard, and the author, stil busy at his work.
Nothing new happens. The typing continues without slowing.
>clear throat
You clear your throat loudly, hoping to get his attention. No such luck, though.
>talk to author
What do you want to talk about?
>ask author about typing
"Oh, this?" he answers without turning away from the screen, "I'm just writing around twenty 400-word articles about bowling. Got to earn a living somehow, you know."
You can feel, if not see, him smiling sheepishly.
>ask author about bowling
"Bowling as a sport was first popularized in the 1950s by an NBC show called 'Championship Bowling', and has subsequently entered American culture.... Regulation bowling balls range in weight from eight to sixteen pounds.... Crankers choose to deliver their balls with the maximum possible force, while strokers aim for consistency and finesse....
The usual. 'Shoveling cultural snow', I think someone, a much better writer than I, called it.
Although, to be honest, he meant writing for magazines and the like, for instance restaurant and book reviews. I think my articles end up buried in websites who just want to improve their rankings by featuring 'relevant content'. As such, this work does feel demeaning and worthless, at times, but, well, can't complain. Keeps me writing - if we are generous and allow this to be called writing - at least."
Again without turning. You wonder how long it's going to take him to finish the batch.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
>south. west.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
>up. down. out.
You can't see any stairs or ladders leading either up or down.
You can't see any stairs or ladders leading either up or down.
There are no visible doors or windows to exit through.
>hit author
Violence isn't the answer.
>kiss author
Neither is unrealistic intimacy.
The answer is a four letter word.
Are you sure (Y or N)? Y
You have quit the game, with 0 out of a possible 0 points.
Would you like to learn more about the exciting sport of bowling (Y or N)? N!
You cannot make out anything, but get a vague sense of disarray from what surrounds you. Squinting, you see a shape hunched over a keyboard and a computer screen.
There don't appear to be any exits.
>examine shape
Upon closer inspection, you realize that it's the same person, the author from before, but now much more tired-looking. Rumpled clothes, rumpled hair, lightly bloodshot eyes, and intense attention to what he's currently typing as to make him oblivious to anything else. His fingers do not rest for very long and move in quick bursts over the keys.
He does not seem to notice you.
You jump up and flap your arms up and down for a bit, but gravity seems to be working properly now.
>now what?
How should I know?
The sense of disarray becomes almost oppressive. You look around but still cannot see anything specific. Except for the computer screen, the keyboard, and the author, stil busy at his work.
Nothing new happens. The typing continues without slowing.
>clear throat
You clear your throat loudly, hoping to get his attention. No such luck, though.
>talk to author
What do you want to talk about?
>ask author about typing
"Oh, this?" he answers without turning away from the screen, "I'm just writing around twenty 400-word articles about bowling. Got to earn a living somehow, you know."
You can feel, if not see, him smiling sheepishly.
>ask author about bowling
"Bowling as a sport was first popularized in the 1950s by an NBC show called 'Championship Bowling', and has subsequently entered American culture.... Regulation bowling balls range in weight from eight to sixteen pounds.... Crankers choose to deliver their balls with the maximum possible force, while strokers aim for consistency and finesse....
The usual. 'Shoveling cultural snow', I think someone, a much better writer than I, called it.
Although, to be honest, he meant writing for magazines and the like, for instance restaurant and book reviews. I think my articles end up buried in websites who just want to improve their rankings by featuring 'relevant content'. As such, this work does feel demeaning and worthless, at times, but, well, can't complain. Keeps me writing - if we are generous and allow this to be called writing - at least."
Again without turning. You wonder how long it's going to take him to finish the batch.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
>south. west.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
You are able to walk a few steps in that direction, but quickly hit a wall with no doors or windows.
>up. down. out.
You can't see any stairs or ladders leading either up or down.
You can't see any stairs or ladders leading either up or down.
There are no visible doors or windows to exit through.
>hit author
Violence isn't the answer.
>kiss author
Neither is unrealistic intimacy.
The answer is a four letter word.
Are you sure (Y or N)? Y
You have quit the game, with 0 out of a possible 0 points.
Would you like to learn more about the exciting sport of bowling (Y or N)? N!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Transcript v1.1
You appear to be in some sort of virtual world. The surroundings are hazy and indistinct. Opposite you is a man in glasses, looking bored.
You are carrying nothing, or at least nothing that would be of the least conceivable use here, sorry.
>examine surroundings
Hazy and indistinct. (I told you already, sheesh.)
>examine man
He is a youngish man with shortish black hair and brown skin. Perhaps in his early twenties, he stands a bit taller and a bit wider than you do. Thin-frame glasses, thin mustache, a beard beginning to get scraggly, and a quiet air.
You feel like he'd answer your questions.
>examine hair
Just long enough to be parted down the (nearly) middle, his hair invites the touch of a hand, fingers to smoothly run through the silken strands or to tousle them good-naturedly.
>examine my hair
Oh, your hair? Same as always, I suppose.
>ask man about virtual world
"New here?" he asks with a smile.
"This is what I tell most people: it's better, on the whole, to not think anymore about how and why you got here. Everything will return to normal, eventually, so just enjoy your stay."
>ask man about escape
"Inevitable, but you can't hurry it. Relax."
>ask man about surroundings
He peers around through his glasses, then back at you, before replying, "I don't know, they seem to be as ill-described as always."
In demonstration, he walks away from you and you watch him grow smaller and smaller before he disappears - and reappears behind you.
"Some crazy topology, eh? Sometimes I think this place reacts to your expectations of it," he muses.
You fly around for a while. Yay you. Much too quickly the novelty fades (no wind here, or indeed any sort of reference for your motion save the stationary - and much amused - man), and you drift to a stop back where the man is standing.
>ask man about the meaning of life
"42," he promptly answers. "Don't people read, nowadays?"
>what am i doing here?
Sorry, I couldn't parse that.
>ask man about man
"Well, I guess I'm the author around here, yeah," he says to you. "Although, truth be told, I haven't been writing anything much lately, except for some short-lived interactive fiction."
>ask man about interactive fiction
The author sighs.
>ask man about interactive fiction
"Yes, fine, I admit that I underestimated it," the author says, after some more prodding. He runs a hand through his silky, wonderful-smelling hair (you feel like touching it yourself!)
"The ideas I had don't seem to be fleshed out enough, yet, to be worth giving the amount of time and effort that creating interactive fiction, as I found out, would require. I think I need to plan and think about this a bit more. In the meantime, I can find diversions enough to keep me in business."
>ask man about hair
(instead touching the hair)
Soft strands curl around your fingers, and you touch warm scalp. He does not protest, but is visibly uncomfortable at your intrusion.
When you withdraw your hand, he speaks up, "Why do people keep doing that? There must be something wrong with the parser."
The author becomes lost in thought.
>tell man sorry
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem to notice you.
>ask man about thought
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem to notice you.
>shake man
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem to notice you.
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem - oh, crap, sorry, I mean
You didn't think it'd be that easy, did y -
- well fine okay okay -
(Author's note: there, fixed it!)
****You have won the game****
Finally, you find something better to do.
You appear to be in some sort of virtual world. The surroundings are hazy and indistinct. Opposite you is a man in glasses, looking bored.
You are carrying nothing, or at least nothing that would be of the least conceivable use here, sorry.
>examine surroundings
Hazy and indistinct. (I told you already, sheesh.)
>examine man
He is a youngish man with shortish black hair and brown skin. Perhaps in his early twenties, he stands a bit taller and a bit wider than you do. Thin-frame glasses, thin mustache, a beard beginning to get scraggly, and a quiet air.
You feel like he'd answer your questions.
>examine hair
Just long enough to be parted down the (nearly) middle, his hair invites the touch of a hand, fingers to smoothly run through the silken strands or to tousle them good-naturedly.
>examine my hair
Oh, your hair? Same as always, I suppose.
>ask man about virtual world
"New here?" he asks with a smile.
"This is what I tell most people: it's better, on the whole, to not think anymore about how and why you got here. Everything will return to normal, eventually, so just enjoy your stay."
>ask man about escape
"Inevitable, but you can't hurry it. Relax."
>ask man about surroundings
He peers around through his glasses, then back at you, before replying, "I don't know, they seem to be as ill-described as always."
In demonstration, he walks away from you and you watch him grow smaller and smaller before he disappears - and reappears behind you.
"Some crazy topology, eh? Sometimes I think this place reacts to your expectations of it," he muses.
You fly around for a while. Yay you. Much too quickly the novelty fades (no wind here, or indeed any sort of reference for your motion save the stationary - and much amused - man), and you drift to a stop back where the man is standing.
>ask man about the meaning of life
"42," he promptly answers. "Don't people read, nowadays?"
>what am i doing here?
Sorry, I couldn't parse that.
>ask man about man
"Well, I guess I'm the author around here, yeah," he says to you. "Although, truth be told, I haven't been writing anything much lately, except for some short-lived interactive fiction."
>ask man about interactive fiction
The author sighs.
>ask man about interactive fiction
"Yes, fine, I admit that I underestimated it," the author says, after some more prodding. He runs a hand through his silky, wonderful-smelling hair (you feel like touching it yourself!)
"The ideas I had don't seem to be fleshed out enough, yet, to be worth giving the amount of time and effort that creating interactive fiction, as I found out, would require. I think I need to plan and think about this a bit more. In the meantime, I can find diversions enough to keep me in business."
>ask man about hair
(instead touching the hair)
Soft strands curl around your fingers, and you touch warm scalp. He does not protest, but is visibly uncomfortable at your intrusion.
When you withdraw your hand, he speaks up, "Why do people keep doing that? There must be something wrong with the parser."
The author becomes lost in thought.
>tell man sorry
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem to notice you.
>ask man about thought
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem to notice you.
>shake man
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem to notice you.
The author is lost in thought, and doesn't seem - oh, crap, sorry, I mean
You didn't think it'd be that easy, did y -
- well fine okay okay -
(Author's note: there, fixed it!)
****You have won the game****
Finally, you find something better to do.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
You see a new notice on the otherwise bare wall. Read it? (Y/N) _
Hey, people. I'm thinking of writing some interactive fiction, something like a choose your own adventure game, only in digital form, and with slightly more complicated mechanics.
It's going to be fun both in a programming sense and in a writing sense, so it should be a healthy (in the sense that it won't die out too quickly) diversion.
Anyway, preliminary question to the handful of people who still visit. If I finished the game (or the interactive fiction piece, whatever), would you play it?
It's going to be fun both in a programming sense and in a writing sense, so it should be a healthy (in the sense that it won't die out too quickly) diversion.
Anyway, preliminary question to the handful of people who still visit. If I finished the game (or the interactive fiction piece, whatever), would you play it?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I should've known it would come to this.
I wear glasses now, and, yeah, I suppose we do look more like the dorks that we are. (Although people tell me that the glasses look good enough on me.) To think that I used to pride myself on not having to wear glasses despite the constant reading and computer use. Hah.
In fact, though, I could survive without these glasses. The only problem I have is astigmatism, which only introduces some distortions in the details - between small or faraway letters, for example. So being without glasses, for me, wouldn't mean that I wouldn't be able to see anything anymore. Without glasses, everything would still be (more or less) in focus.
Nonetheless, there was a moment of disbelief, when I was having my eyes checked and the optometrist dropped the right lenses into the test glasses I was wearing. Clarity, man. It's true that you never notice your eyesight going bad, since you tend to assume that it's still normal how you can't read that sign properly (you're just too far away), and so on.
Anyway, yes, glasses. Still getting used to them. Why do I suspect that I'll be losing or breaking them in the near future?
What else is new? It's a new semester, and I've 18 units, 6 of which are GE units. I was supposed to take Bio 11 this sem, but CRS didn't see it fit to grant me a class, so... I'm still debating whether to take it over the summer or next semester.
Sometimes there is the urge to make creative nonfiction out of my life, but frankly it looks like it's going to take more embellishment than allowable to make the results entertaining. I'm too... middle-of-the-road. No great struggle, but no great triumph, either. Blah. This is why I suppose sometimes I think that I don't challenge myself enough. Whenever I do try to get more things done, though, laziness usually gets the better of me. It's a vicious, vicious cycle.
I think I might try out the GTD (Getting Things Done) approach to organizing tasks and projects and such. As of the moment, have read a little bit about it, and have some grasp on the basic concepts. Am trusting that looking at various (free) programs available will be enough to get me started on a decent facsimile of the system.
I'm sure there's a way to make laziness work. Laziness sometimes breeds efficiency, after all.
In fact, though, I could survive without these glasses. The only problem I have is astigmatism, which only introduces some distortions in the details - between small or faraway letters, for example. So being without glasses, for me, wouldn't mean that I wouldn't be able to see anything anymore. Without glasses, everything would still be (more or less) in focus.
Nonetheless, there was a moment of disbelief, when I was having my eyes checked and the optometrist dropped the right lenses into the test glasses I was wearing. Clarity, man. It's true that you never notice your eyesight going bad, since you tend to assume that it's still normal how you can't read that sign properly (you're just too far away), and so on.
Anyway, yes, glasses. Still getting used to them. Why do I suspect that I'll be losing or breaking them in the near future?
What else is new? It's a new semester, and I've 18 units, 6 of which are GE units. I was supposed to take Bio 11 this sem, but CRS didn't see it fit to grant me a class, so... I'm still debating whether to take it over the summer or next semester.
Sometimes there is the urge to make creative nonfiction out of my life, but frankly it looks like it's going to take more embellishment than allowable to make the results entertaining. I'm too... middle-of-the-road. No great struggle, but no great triumph, either. Blah. This is why I suppose sometimes I think that I don't challenge myself enough. Whenever I do try to get more things done, though, laziness usually gets the better of me. It's a vicious, vicious cycle.
I think I might try out the GTD (Getting Things Done) approach to organizing tasks and projects and such. As of the moment, have read a little bit about it, and have some grasp on the basic concepts. Am trusting that looking at various (free) programs available will be enough to get me started on a decent facsimile of the system.
I'm sure there's a way to make laziness work. Laziness sometimes breeds efficiency, after all.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Pretty Eventful Sembreak, I guess.
I didn't really get a chance to just bum around the house like I do on breaks.
October 24-26, I was at Los Banos for the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) Congress. It was an instructive and fun experience, in some unexpected ways perhaps. Got to spend a lot of time with the batchmates, as well as gain a sort of new perspective on the condition of physics here in the Philippines. (Although I can't be sure that the event provided a good enough representative sample.)
On Friday, the 26th, the last day of the SPP Congress, I then met up with some other friends (whose names, I guess, I don't need to mention here) to enjoy a night at one of the many hot springs resorts nearby. First time I ever really puked because of alcohol, but one can always insist that the better moments were worth it, I don't know. As far as drunken nights go, it was rather fun. Also found that my body mass gives me a decent tolerance for the stuff.
Then on the Monday directly after this started the workshop sessions with Dr. Muriel. He's a physicist who's now retired from all official academic positions (he's 67), but still continues to do research work. He gave a talk at the SPP Congress about his work in developing a molecular theory of turbulence, and a few of us students and Sir Perry have been meeting with him to work and explore and try to flesh out the theory a bit.
It's been fun, not only because Dr. Muriel pretty much pays for everything (brings us food, etc.), but also because, well, we wouldn't really have been productive, research-wise, without his prodding. Haha. He even plans to have us give a talk in La Salle on Tuesday (the 6th), summarizing what we've accomplished so far (which he assures us is significant, especially for just a week of work). I don't know, I'll have to work on this, work with the others.
It's nice enough to be back home after this period of sudden busy-ness. Basically today's the only day I got to spend just lazing about in my room, rereading old favorites (finished the first two books of the original Dune series, working on the third) and messing about on the computer.
Tomorrow is the start of registration for the next semester, imagine that. *stretches, yawns*
October 24-26, I was at Los Banos for the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) Congress. It was an instructive and fun experience, in some unexpected ways perhaps. Got to spend a lot of time with the batchmates, as well as gain a sort of new perspective on the condition of physics here in the Philippines. (Although I can't be sure that the event provided a good enough representative sample.)
On Friday, the 26th, the last day of the SPP Congress, I then met up with some other friends (whose names, I guess, I don't need to mention here) to enjoy a night at one of the many hot springs resorts nearby. First time I ever really puked because of alcohol, but one can always insist that the better moments were worth it, I don't know. As far as drunken nights go, it was rather fun. Also found that my body mass gives me a decent tolerance for the stuff.
Then on the Monday directly after this started the workshop sessions with Dr. Muriel. He's a physicist who's now retired from all official academic positions (he's 67), but still continues to do research work. He gave a talk at the SPP Congress about his work in developing a molecular theory of turbulence, and a few of us students and Sir Perry have been meeting with him to work and explore and try to flesh out the theory a bit.
It's been fun, not only because Dr. Muriel pretty much pays for everything (brings us food, etc.), but also because, well, we wouldn't really have been productive, research-wise, without his prodding. Haha. He even plans to have us give a talk in La Salle on Tuesday (the 6th), summarizing what we've accomplished so far (which he assures us is significant, especially for just a week of work). I don't know, I'll have to work on this, work with the others.
It's nice enough to be back home after this period of sudden busy-ness. Basically today's the only day I got to spend just lazing about in my room, rereading old favorites (finished the first two books of the original Dune series, working on the third) and messing about on the computer.
Tomorrow is the start of registration for the next semester, imagine that. *stretches, yawns*
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Journal Entry Number Eight
I don't know why, but I haven't felt like blogging lately. More for the record than anything else, let's see. What's been new.
Have been reading the Achewood archives again. The characterization is excellent: he even keeps up blogs for nine or so characters! Hmm, some of the strips I liked the best, in no particular order: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. It's actually hard to choose, since a lot of the appeal comes from having gotten to know the characters, from previous strips (and blog entries!). I don't know, I don't seem to be describing it well, but check it out for yourself. I recommend starting with the archives - even though the earliest ones are a bit rough, it's worth it to sort of build up your appreciation.
What else. Uh, recently my sister sent me her old PDA, since she got a new Blackberry PDA/phone. I've only had it for a few days, will see if it helps me become sort of organized or something.
Oh, there was a dinner with the Aboys at Raj's house last weekend. Great food, some drinks. The Aboys' group dynamic doesn't seem to have changed appreciably, with people falling into familiar roles. It's only been a few years, I suppose.
And before this dinner, we had an exam in the morning, and in the afternoon Jeanne and I visited the huge Fully Booked branch in the Fort. It was big, yeah. Too big, even. I was too tired from walking around and looking at all the books to actually buy anything, haha. There was even a Starbucks inside!
And it's located in an area that's, oddly enough, both upscale and undeveloped, or, well, in the process of development. Posh restaurants, ugly new apartment blocks, the works. The restrooms at Serendra even have an attendant each, who stand around inside and greet you when you enter and leave. Weirdness.
Oh, and, well, an unfortunate carbuncle problem. I'll spare you the details.
Uhh. Now that I have a PDA to scribble in, I suppose I can leave the journal-type (i.e., mundane records) out of this blog. Farewell, and celebrations.
Have been reading the Achewood archives again. The characterization is excellent: he even keeps up blogs for nine or so characters! Hmm, some of the strips I liked the best, in no particular order: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. It's actually hard to choose, since a lot of the appeal comes from having gotten to know the characters, from previous strips (and blog entries!). I don't know, I don't seem to be describing it well, but check it out for yourself. I recommend starting with the archives - even though the earliest ones are a bit rough, it's worth it to sort of build up your appreciation.
What else. Uh, recently my sister sent me her old PDA, since she got a new Blackberry PDA/phone. I've only had it for a few days, will see if it helps me become sort of organized or something.
Oh, there was a dinner with the Aboys at Raj's house last weekend. Great food, some drinks. The Aboys' group dynamic doesn't seem to have changed appreciably, with people falling into familiar roles. It's only been a few years, I suppose.
And before this dinner, we had an exam in the morning, and in the afternoon Jeanne and I visited the huge Fully Booked branch in the Fort. It was big, yeah. Too big, even. I was too tired from walking around and looking at all the books to actually buy anything, haha. There was even a Starbucks inside!
And it's located in an area that's, oddly enough, both upscale and undeveloped, or, well, in the process of development. Posh restaurants, ugly new apartment blocks, the works. The restrooms at Serendra even have an attendant each, who stand around inside and greet you when you enter and leave. Weirdness.
Oh, and, well, an unfortunate carbuncle problem. I'll spare you the details.
Uhh. Now that I have a PDA to scribble in, I suppose I can leave the journal-type (i.e., mundane records) out of this blog. Farewell, and celebrations.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Battle of Corrin
More of the same, or, well, actually, worse. Bleh. Having read the first two books of the trilogy, I sort of felt obligated to read this last one, if only to bring it to an end. And, well, to see how they managed to put the pieces of the prequel puzzle together.
Answer: horribly. Paper-thin characterization (with no realistic character changes of any sort to speak of), parallel plots that also fail to hold together enough (take the entire Arrakis series and the Ginaz swordmasters arc, for instance), and a poor handling of the prequel premise. Why do all of the important events in history and the founding of the influential social groups and institutions (the Guild, House Corrino, the Bene Gesserit, the Swordmasters of Ginaz, the Fremen, the Suk doctors, and so on) happen within a span of a hundred years?
I could go on and on. Plot holes abound. You do not actually get to care about any single character, except maybe Erasmus, a bit, but even then not really. Horrible writing (I feel like I could've done better, even, although of course it's harder to write well than it is to recognize bad writing, those are different things entirely).
Brian Herbert should be ashamed of this clumsy attempt at imagining the history of his father's wonderful Dune universe. Or, rather, I should be ashamed of having been fooled not once, not twice, but thrice!
On a positive note, it is done! Time to go for better reads. Really looking forward to re-reading the original series.
Answer: horribly. Paper-thin characterization (with no realistic character changes of any sort to speak of), parallel plots that also fail to hold together enough (take the entire Arrakis series and the Ginaz swordmasters arc, for instance), and a poor handling of the prequel premise. Why do all of the important events in history and the founding of the influential social groups and institutions (the Guild, House Corrino, the Bene Gesserit, the Swordmasters of Ginaz, the Fremen, the Suk doctors, and so on) happen within a span of a hundred years?
I could go on and on. Plot holes abound. You do not actually get to care about any single character, except maybe Erasmus, a bit, but even then not really. Horrible writing (I feel like I could've done better, even, although of course it's harder to write well than it is to recognize bad writing, those are different things entirely).
Brian Herbert should be ashamed of this clumsy attempt at imagining the history of his father's wonderful Dune universe. Or, rather, I should be ashamed of having been fooled not once, not twice, but thrice!
On a positive note, it is done! Time to go for better reads. Really looking forward to re-reading the original series.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Journal Entry Number Seven
Last night I fell asleep while resting my eyes for a bit, and tonight I'm feeling quite low on energy, too. I wonder why this is. I haven't been doing any more work than usual. I hope I'm not not eating right, or not getting enough sleep...
Hmm. I hope I haven't become dependent on coffee, either. I think I haven't had proper coffee, these past few days...
Again, for the record
(Processing to come eventually but not right now, so feel free to skip the raw transcript below, thanks.)
Monday. No classes, stayed at home to not get much done, as usual (although I did prepare for the lecture I was to give on Wednesday, and cut a hole in a plastic soda bottle for our Physics 191 demo (total internal reflection)). Tuesday. Philo 11 midterms, did well enough, I suppose. Found out that the bottle I made worked fine! Went with Jyan and Vilma to Bubble Tea in the afternoon. Finished one out of two problem sets due Thursday in the evening. Wednesday. 191 workshop in the morning, progress reports (no lecture!) in the afternoon. Hung out in the food court: coffee, a mini baguette and a tuna turnover from French Baker, capped off by "Manila Fries" (small chicharon bits) from R.Lapid's. In the evening rewrote problem set and attempted to finish the other one to no avail. Thursday. Tried to make bubble mixtures in Theory out of detergent, starch, glycerin and water. Made bubbles, but the differences between solutions that we wanted to show weren't that evident. Finished the problem set during the long break. Dinner at Sbarro: cheese pizza extra cheese, half baked ziti, and a sighting of a German exchange student. Friday, i.e., today. Classes as per usual. Lunch at Wok Dis Way: sisig with cheese! Proceeded to do CWTS, i.e., hang out at the NIP Lib. Jeanne came over to watch us play Hangaroo and the slapping game. Chocolat: Bailey's cake, English scone (something like a cross between pancakes and muffins and cookies, which are apparently actually biscuits?). At the food court we almost sat next to the twins (should write them up sometime, or something, and, no, you probably don't know them, unless you spend the same amount of time that we do at the SM North food court, didn't think so, i.e., in short, not *those* twins), but wussed out. They later moved to a table next to ours, which was kind of weird. Dinner: Binalot, tapadobo/tocidobo. Bow.
Now what?
Well all the typing seems to have woken me up a little. I guess I'll go see what I can do. Oh, the exciting life I lead!
Last night I fell asleep while resting my eyes for a bit, and tonight I'm feeling quite low on energy, too. I wonder why this is. I haven't been doing any more work than usual. I hope I'm not not eating right, or not getting enough sleep...
Hmm. I hope I haven't become dependent on coffee, either. I think I haven't had proper coffee, these past few days...
Again, for the record
(Processing to come eventually but not right now, so feel free to skip the raw transcript below, thanks.)
Monday. No classes, stayed at home to not get much done, as usual (although I did prepare for the lecture I was to give on Wednesday, and cut a hole in a plastic soda bottle for our Physics 191 demo (total internal reflection)). Tuesday. Philo 11 midterms, did well enough, I suppose. Found out that the bottle I made worked fine! Went with Jyan and Vilma to Bubble Tea in the afternoon. Finished one out of two problem sets due Thursday in the evening. Wednesday. 191 workshop in the morning, progress reports (no lecture!) in the afternoon. Hung out in the food court: coffee, a mini baguette and a tuna turnover from French Baker, capped off by "Manila Fries" (small chicharon bits) from R.Lapid's. In the evening rewrote problem set and attempted to finish the other one to no avail. Thursday. Tried to make bubble mixtures in Theory out of detergent, starch, glycerin and water. Made bubbles, but the differences between solutions that we wanted to show weren't that evident. Finished the problem set during the long break. Dinner at Sbarro: cheese pizza extra cheese, half baked ziti, and a sighting of a German exchange student. Friday, i.e., today. Classes as per usual. Lunch at Wok Dis Way: sisig with cheese! Proceeded to do CWTS, i.e., hang out at the NIP Lib. Jeanne came over to watch us play Hangaroo and the slapping game. Chocolat: Bailey's cake, English scone (something like a cross between pancakes and muffins and cookies, which are apparently actually biscuits?). At the food court we almost sat next to the twins (should write them up sometime, or something, and, no, you probably don't know them, unless you spend the same amount of time that we do at the SM North food court, didn't think so, i.e., in short, not *those* twins), but wussed out. They later moved to a table next to ours, which was kind of weird. Dinner: Binalot, tapadobo/tocidobo. Bow.
Now what?
Well all the typing seems to have woken me up a little. I guess I'll go see what I can do. Oh, the exciting life I lead!
lazing around all day,
the twins
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Journal Entry Number Six
Another lazy weekend
It's been a lazy weekend again, echoes of the monster weekend that just passed? In any case I managed not to get much of anything done. Dabbled a bit in some online RPGs, did some articles, bummed around some.
Well, okay, fine, for the record:
Saturday I met up with Jeanne in the morning so we could spend some time together before my 2 pm make up class. Chanced upon Yas and Abby who were at the AS steps for the Book Fair volunteers' meeting. Wandered around UP a bit.
Had lunch at Mashitta, where we met Frau Lenz, one of Jeanne's German professors, and got to talk about higher education in Germany. She's a member of DAAD, Germany's academic exchange organization, which handles foreign students from the undergraduate to the Ph.D. level. Short version: it'd be hard to get a scholarship for a master's degree; easier for a Ph.D., but only if I had taken my master's here. Master's degrees are aimed more for practical courses like engineering, while doctorate courses are intended to help other countries' academes.
While eating I found out that the make up class was canceled (our professor got sick), so we had the rest of the day to ourselves. Proceeded to SM to while away the afternoon. Tried out the new Bubble Tea place. Had cold Almond Milk Tea, which was fine, and hot Royal Milk Tea, which was better. They have this cool sort of second floor that's nice for hanging out in. I tried to write, to no avail.
Then it was to the food court, our usual haunt (we're cheap, really, sometimes). Talked, hung out, etc. Had lugaw, and, well, fries. Haha. Stayed there until going home.
Okay, now what?
Well, I've been thinking thoughts again.
Having never satisfactorily finished a short story, I still do not know what sort of approach I should take. I've been telling myself to just pick one to go ahead and try, but it doesn't seem to work that way, either.
I've been thinking of going through my blog archives to see what sort of things I always end up talking about. I'm supposing it'd be easier to write something revolving around those things, since I'd be sure that I'd have something to say, eh?
Speaking of recurrence, well, it's happening again. Aha. That feeling of ending up in the same ruts, the same patterns and routines. I suppose that's part of what's called 'identity'?
It's been a lazy weekend again, echoes of the monster weekend that just passed? In any case I managed not to get much of anything done. Dabbled a bit in some online RPGs, did some articles, bummed around some.
Well, okay, fine, for the record:
Saturday I met up with Jeanne in the morning so we could spend some time together before my 2 pm make up class. Chanced upon Yas and Abby who were at the AS steps for the Book Fair volunteers' meeting. Wandered around UP a bit.
Had lunch at Mashitta, where we met Frau Lenz, one of Jeanne's German professors, and got to talk about higher education in Germany. She's a member of DAAD, Germany's academic exchange organization, which handles foreign students from the undergraduate to the Ph.D. level. Short version: it'd be hard to get a scholarship for a master's degree; easier for a Ph.D., but only if I had taken my master's here. Master's degrees are aimed more for practical courses like engineering, while doctorate courses are intended to help other countries' academes.
While eating I found out that the make up class was canceled (our professor got sick), so we had the rest of the day to ourselves. Proceeded to SM to while away the afternoon. Tried out the new Bubble Tea place. Had cold Almond Milk Tea, which was fine, and hot Royal Milk Tea, which was better. They have this cool sort of second floor that's nice for hanging out in. I tried to write, to no avail.
Then it was to the food court, our usual haunt (we're cheap, really, sometimes). Talked, hung out, etc. Had lugaw, and, well, fries. Haha. Stayed there until going home.
Okay, now what?
Well, I've been thinking thoughts again.
Having never satisfactorily finished a short story, I still do not know what sort of approach I should take. I've been telling myself to just pick one to go ahead and try, but it doesn't seem to work that way, either.
I've been thinking of going through my blog archives to see what sort of things I always end up talking about. I'm supposing it'd be easier to write something revolving around those things, since I'd be sure that I'd have something to say, eh?
Speaking of recurrence, well, it's happening again. Aha. That feeling of ending up in the same ruts, the same patterns and routines. I suppose that's part of what's called 'identity'?
bubble tea,
future plans,
lazing around all day,
Friday, August 24, 2007
Journal Entry Number Five
Sociable-ness (or, okay, read this first)
I just realized that it might seem weird to people that I'm rather... inconsistent about how sociable I'm willing to be. I always get the feeling that people are surprised whenever I seem willing to talk for more than a few words at a time.
Introverts like me sometimes just need to withdraw from the world for a while, but we'll be ready again eventually. We have some fun times together, right? So if the quiet spots begin to disturb you, hang on to the fun times. There could be more fun times in store for everyone, including (especially) you and me!
We are all friends. Even if I seem a bit out of it sometimes, I know, it's (I'm) kind of awkward, sorry. If you're my friend, you should know how awkward I can get, haha.
(Okay, I'll go withdraw for a bit now. Stay available, friends. But first, the rest of this entry!)
Expenses, coffee
It's been a bit of a spendy week, haha. Over the span of a few days, we had lunch at Sbarro, dinner at A Veneto, coffee and cake at Chocolat, coffee and donuts at Dunkin Donuts, coffee at Mister Donut (twice, once with donuts). Hah.
Well, Dunkin Donuts does have (surprisingly) good coffee, and pretty cheap too, at thirty pesos for a big cup. Mister Donut also has good coffe. (at least the one at Trinoma) at twenty five pesos (regular size), and an option to add vanilla, choco mint, or hazelnut syrup for ten pesos more. We've only tried the French vanilla, and it seemed to be worth it, more or less; it basically neutralized that slightly bitter coffee aftertaste without masking the coffee flavor.
We've been drinking our coffee without sugar or creamer or anything else, and Zafra's right, that's the only way you can really taste your coffee. (Although I admit I sometimes am partial to Nescafe's 3-in-1, haha. Great for rainy days.)
Coffee tends to make us more talkative, at least sometimes. But, for me at least, after the initial burst of energy, eventually I get sleepier than I would've been without the coffee. Also, coffee is no good when it's not hot anymore. Ick.
Anyway, yes, coffee: I love the smell, the heat, the taste... how it feels against the insides of my body. MMMMM
ANYWAY, now let's talk about something else
Hmm, well, I've been reading Murakami again. I guess I'm just not used to reading him in shorter forms than novels, but at times I find myself looking for something more than just these brief excursions into different (yet familiar) lives. (i.e., minsan, nakakabitin!)
Perhaps it's the deceptive simplicity of his stories (and his writing style in general), but reading him I feel as if it wouldn't be that hard to get writing again. Hah. Right.
In any case I've been meaning to try my hand at writing something again, but nothing's actually been happening yet. Either I'm too busy, or too lazy, or too, I don't know, dull, like an unused knife (that was never the sharpest in the drawer in the first place, although it did manage to cut those tomatoes from time to time).
Well, it's only a year and a half or so to graduation. Like I said before, someone's already told me to start making plans if I want to pursue my studies elsewhere immediately after graduating.
And it does seem to make sense. So far, I've been looking at universities in Germany, for reasons that should be obvious. (Sausages and beer, mmm-mmm.) It seems that higher education in Germany is generally good, and that it would be easy to get into the country as a student.
But, well, I have no idea yet how to start preparing. Except for, perhaps, starting on the paperwork for a passport? I do not have one yet.
I'm not sure if my parents'll trust me enough to let me go off on my own yet, anyway. Perhaps I should prove myself independent and capable of taking care of myself?
(Now how am I supposed to do that?)
I just realized that it might seem weird to people that I'm rather... inconsistent about how sociable I'm willing to be. I always get the feeling that people are surprised whenever I seem willing to talk for more than a few words at a time.
Introverts like me sometimes just need to withdraw from the world for a while, but we'll be ready again eventually. We have some fun times together, right? So if the quiet spots begin to disturb you, hang on to the fun times. There could be more fun times in store for everyone, including (especially) you and me!
We are all friends. Even if I seem a bit out of it sometimes, I know, it's (I'm) kind of awkward, sorry. If you're my friend, you should know how awkward I can get, haha.
(Okay, I'll go withdraw for a bit now. Stay available, friends. But first, the rest of this entry!)
Expenses, coffee
It's been a bit of a spendy week, haha. Over the span of a few days, we had lunch at Sbarro, dinner at A Veneto, coffee and cake at Chocolat, coffee and donuts at Dunkin Donuts, coffee at Mister Donut (twice, once with donuts). Hah.
Well, Dunkin Donuts does have (surprisingly) good coffee, and pretty cheap too, at thirty pesos for a big cup. Mister Donut also has good coffe. (at least the one at Trinoma) at twenty five pesos (regular size), and an option to add vanilla, choco mint, or hazelnut syrup for ten pesos more. We've only tried the French vanilla, and it seemed to be worth it, more or less; it basically neutralized that slightly bitter coffee aftertaste without masking the coffee flavor.
We've been drinking our coffee without sugar or creamer or anything else, and Zafra's right, that's the only way you can really taste your coffee. (Although I admit I sometimes am partial to Nescafe's 3-in-1, haha. Great for rainy days.)
Coffee tends to make us more talkative, at least sometimes. But, for me at least, after the initial burst of energy, eventually I get sleepier than I would've been without the coffee. Also, coffee is no good when it's not hot anymore. Ick.
Anyway, yes, coffee: I love the smell, the heat, the taste... how it feels against the insides of my body. MMMMM
ANYWAY, now let's talk about something else
Hmm, well, I've been reading Murakami again. I guess I'm just not used to reading him in shorter forms than novels, but at times I find myself looking for something more than just these brief excursions into different (yet familiar) lives. (i.e., minsan, nakakabitin!)
Perhaps it's the deceptive simplicity of his stories (and his writing style in general), but reading him I feel as if it wouldn't be that hard to get writing again. Hah. Right.
In any case I've been meaning to try my hand at writing something again, but nothing's actually been happening yet. Either I'm too busy, or too lazy, or too, I don't know, dull, like an unused knife (that was never the sharpest in the drawer in the first place, although it did manage to cut those tomatoes from time to time).
Well, it's only a year and a half or so to graduation. Like I said before, someone's already told me to start making plans if I want to pursue my studies elsewhere immediately after graduating.
And it does seem to make sense. So far, I've been looking at universities in Germany, for reasons that should be obvious. (Sausages and beer, mmm-mmm.) It seems that higher education in Germany is generally good, and that it would be easy to get into the country as a student.
But, well, I have no idea yet how to start preparing. Except for, perhaps, starting on the paperwork for a passport? I do not have one yet.
I'm not sure if my parents'll trust me enough to let me go off on my own yet, anyway. Perhaps I should prove myself independent and capable of taking care of myself?
(Now how am I supposed to do that?)
future plans,
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Not exactly a journal entry.
I don't feel like going into details today, but today was fine. (No Philo 11 in the morning, 1 hour CWTS, class, 2 hours CWTS, wandering around Trinoma with Jyaan and Vimmy, coffee, home, a batch of articles, blog, bow.)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Journal Entry Number Four
Today's notes
Today, I applied for Bayantel DSL, but apparently I have to wait and see if they'll be able to allocate facilities for me. Something to do with the area my house is in not yet being heavily covered by their services, I suppose. PLDT DSL is always possible, but I'd rather make that the last, fall-back option.
Lunch was at Sbarro. We seem to be frequenting this restaurant more than any other at SM North. We seem to think that it has a good balance between quality, price, and portion size.
Then we had coffee and cake at Chocolat. Pretty nice. Business seems to be picking up for them - the five or so tables they had were all occupied when we left. I suppose it's partly because it is a holiday today.
Then wandered around a bit at Trinoma. I remarked that I hadn't bought a book in a while, and fortuitously when we passed by Powerbooks they had a sale going on: 20% off on most items! Got Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Murakami. I would've gotten a graphic novel or something equally more expensive (to increase the discount, of course), but their graphic novel section was sadly lacking. (Fully Booked nearby (at SM) has a much better comics and graphic novel section.)
Realized that we indeed do spend quite a lot, when we hang out at malls. Considered cutting back a bit, but rationalized, hey, we were each earning a bit extra on side jobs, anyway, so what the heck. (And, well, we have begun saving up monthly for no particular reason. So why deny ourselves these little consumer comforts?)
Late hate
I hate being late. This is why I've stopped hitching a ride in the mornings with my brother, haha. They're too easily delayed, and a few minutes in the morning counts for a lot in terms of avoiding the morning rush.
I was going to meet Jeanne at 11 am, and by 10:30 I was set to leave, but then it seemed that my family was also going out anyway, so I waited, and so I did, and it stretched out until it was 11:30 and I ended up being an hour late. Aha.
If ever I somehow become in charge of a family, I'll be sure to instill in them a respect for punctuality. (Although I suppose it's naturally harder to get a group of people ready to leave than it is to get ready by myself, but still I think I do still have a point. Yes.)
Requisite rambling section
So it's back to the normal daily grind tomorrow. (Well, not exactly, as it so happens that our lab class tomorrow won't be meeting. But still.)
I don't know. I haven't been able to use the sudden many days of no classes properly, but neither has anyone else, I'd expect. Yay all of us!
I think I'm ready to try my hand at creative writing again. Blogging is well and good, but all this journaling is getting too much. But I don't know what to try to write - after all this time, I still don't know how my creative process really works. (Aha, as if it does, cue sting - i.e., *badum TSH*!)
Today, I applied for Bayantel DSL, but apparently I have to wait and see if they'll be able to allocate facilities for me. Something to do with the area my house is in not yet being heavily covered by their services, I suppose. PLDT DSL is always possible, but I'd rather make that the last, fall-back option.
Lunch was at Sbarro. We seem to be frequenting this restaurant more than any other at SM North. We seem to think that it has a good balance between quality, price, and portion size.
Then we had coffee and cake at Chocolat. Pretty nice. Business seems to be picking up for them - the five or so tables they had were all occupied when we left. I suppose it's partly because it is a holiday today.
Then wandered around a bit at Trinoma. I remarked that I hadn't bought a book in a while, and fortuitously when we passed by Powerbooks they had a sale going on: 20% off on most items! Got Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Murakami. I would've gotten a graphic novel or something equally more expensive (to increase the discount, of course), but their graphic novel section was sadly lacking. (Fully Booked nearby (at SM) has a much better comics and graphic novel section.)
Realized that we indeed do spend quite a lot, when we hang out at malls. Considered cutting back a bit, but rationalized, hey, we were each earning a bit extra on side jobs, anyway, so what the heck. (And, well, we have begun saving up monthly for no particular reason. So why deny ourselves these little consumer comforts?)
Late hate
I hate being late. This is why I've stopped hitching a ride in the mornings with my brother, haha. They're too easily delayed, and a few minutes in the morning counts for a lot in terms of avoiding the morning rush.
I was going to meet Jeanne at 11 am, and by 10:30 I was set to leave, but then it seemed that my family was also going out anyway, so I waited, and so I did, and it stretched out until it was 11:30 and I ended up being an hour late. Aha.
If ever I somehow become in charge of a family, I'll be sure to instill in them a respect for punctuality. (Although I suppose it's naturally harder to get a group of people ready to leave than it is to get ready by myself, but still I think I do still have a point. Yes.)
Requisite rambling section
So it's back to the normal daily grind tomorrow. (Well, not exactly, as it so happens that our lab class tomorrow won't be meeting. But still.)
I don't know. I haven't been able to use the sudden many days of no classes properly, but neither has anyone else, I'd expect. Yay all of us!
I think I'm ready to try my hand at creative writing again. Blogging is well and good, but all this journaling is getting too much. But I don't know what to try to write - after all this time, I still don't know how my creative process really works. (Aha, as if it does, cue sting - i.e., *badum TSH*!)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Things to do:
1. Study for upcoming Optics exam this week. (It's been postponed too many times, never got around to reviewing for it. This is on top of the subject being, well, quite boring, at least the way it's being taught at the moment.)
2. Get around to applying for a DSL connection. (I don't know how long I've been planning to do this already. Since the summer vacation, I think?)
3. Get around to fixing the password mishap that led to me not being able to access my Unionbank EON account online. (This is not serious, but might turn out to be a real hassle someday.)
4. Get out of the loooong-weekend-induced slump. I'm not in high school anymore!
2. Get around to applying for a DSL connection. (I don't know how long I've been planning to do this already. Since the summer vacation, I think?)
3. Get around to fixing the password mishap that led to me not being able to access my Unionbank EON account online. (This is not serious, but might turn out to be a real hassle someday.)
4. Get out of the loooong-weekend-induced slump. I'm not in high school anymore!
The Machine Crusade
See previous post. More of the same, although things are starting to pick up. Being the second book in a trilogy, The Machine Crusade basically just set things up for the concluding book in the series.
I'm definitely going to read the last book to find out how everything ends up. (Then afterwards I think I'm going to reread the original series, just to reassure myself that these particular excursions to the Dune universe could indeed have been much better.)
I'm definitely going to read the last book to find out how everything ends up. (Then afterwards I think I'm going to reread the original series, just to reassure myself that these particular excursions to the Dune universe could indeed have been much better.)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Jens Lekman!
I'm excited to get to listen to Jens Lekman's [wiki] new album, Night Falls Over Kortedala. It's about to be released soon, and already a few tracks can be found online.
Jens Lekman is a Swedish pop singer-songwriter, known for his charming, witty, and sometimes wistful songs. His voice has, apart from an altogether endearing Swedish accent, this earnest quality that I really like. From his lyrics there emerges a persona that seems to fit perfectly with his voice: carefree but sincere, put-upon but determined, the geeky guy who always seems to be unlucky in love.
Regardless of whether he's singing about a happy relationship or a not-so-happy one, good memories or painful ones, there's no argument - he means it. Oddly enough, this sincerity doesn't exactly make his songs sappy (even with his penchant for soft pop tunes), although you might expect it to. His lyrics are original and inventive enough, in their own way, to render his take on these old sentiments unique.
I'd post illustrative excerpts, but it just wouldn't be the same, divorced from the music and his wonderful voice. So, yeah.
Anyway, his songs should speak for themselves. (I say this mostly because I'm finding out that I don't much yet know how to express opinions on concrete things such as music, or even books. Not to a wide audience, at least. It's actually pretty hard to convey enthusiasm without seeming childish or too biased. Haha. Took me a while to get this far, even. Anyway the rambling belongs to a different post. Yes. Jens Lekman, people.)
Jens Lekman is a Swedish pop singer-songwriter, known for his charming, witty, and sometimes wistful songs. His voice has, apart from an altogether endearing Swedish accent, this earnest quality that I really like. From his lyrics there emerges a persona that seems to fit perfectly with his voice: carefree but sincere, put-upon but determined, the geeky guy who always seems to be unlucky in love.
Regardless of whether he's singing about a happy relationship or a not-so-happy one, good memories or painful ones, there's no argument - he means it. Oddly enough, this sincerity doesn't exactly make his songs sappy (even with his penchant for soft pop tunes), although you might expect it to. His lyrics are original and inventive enough, in their own way, to render his take on these old sentiments unique.
I'd post illustrative excerpts, but it just wouldn't be the same, divorced from the music and his wonderful voice. So, yeah.
Anyway, his songs should speak for themselves. (I say this mostly because I'm finding out that I don't much yet know how to express opinions on concrete things such as music, or even books. Not to a wide audience, at least. It's actually pretty hard to convey enthusiasm without seeming childish or too biased. Haha. Took me a while to get this far, even. Anyway the rambling belongs to a different post. Yes. Jens Lekman, people.)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Journal Entry Number Three
So these past two days have been eerily like last week's Wednesday and Thursday. Heavy rains on Wednesday, class suspension on Thursday. Normally this would be a good thing, but I don't know.
Our classes that are scheduled to meet on Mondays and Thursdays are falling behind. And there are two more Mondays of no classes scheduled this August alone: 20 and 27, I think. This is bad. This is just going to mean that we'll be scrambling to finish the topics when the end of the semester nears.
Also we were supposed to have an exam last Monday, which was moved to today, then to tomorrow, and now it's scheduled next week. I haven't studied yet, I suppose I should. It's actually a bit uncomfortable when exams are postponed, sometimes. Coupled with the no classes today. It seems like today should not have been a break, but it turned out to be one (with me just reading Butlerian Jihad almost all this afternoon). So, it's a bit odd.
(Well, despite it being a far cry from the original Dune series, I'm still reading the next book in this prequel series: The Machine Crusade. I don't know, I guess I just want to find out what happens. And they aren't really horrible books, once you take them for what they are: action-packed space opera masquerading under the Dune name for greater sales.)
No News
Well, nothing much of interest happened today, future self. Tried to study for the Optics exam (that was supposed to be tomorrow), but when somebody told me it was postponed, well...
I should really resist the temptation to go back to bed after getting up in the morning. I end up taking naps, and basically just lazing around almost all day, thinking that I really should get up and do something else, but not doing so.
I have 570 entries on my Tabulas. (Link leads to the monthly archives.) I've kept it up for more than three years already, which seems like quite a long and, well, varied time, in retrospect.
It's quite fun to go back and consider that length of time, that period of my life that I've sporadically blogged about. I guess looking at my archives is one of the best ways for me to realize that I really do think that blogging is worthwhile.
I always get a renewed motivation to blog, just realizing that I already have a relatively extensive archive of the previous years. I can just imagine having an even greater archive, in the future. Wouldn't it be fun (or, at least, instructive) to be able to get into your past self's mind? Shoddy memory will not completely defeat me.
Even if I don't always remember exactly what I was thinking when I wrote all those past blog entries, just the feeling of resonance (for lack of a better term) is a bit nostalgic, a bit comforting, a sort of reminder that life goes on, that I'm still here.
I guess looking back would always make one curious about what the future is going to be like.
Journalling, Three!
So, I suppose "journalling" doesn't really have to be that much different from how I've been blogging, all this time. I suppose what's different is that I'm becoming more conscious about what things, exactly, I want to make a record of. It's becoming more intentionally a record of things that I think my future self would find interesting.
So the compromise is, I suppose, a bit of making these entries more... presentable? Although I'm not always conscious of doing so, I think that in these years of keeping a public blog my blogging "voice" has adjusted to take into account that, hey, other people actually read what I write here.
I've actually tried to keep a pen and paper journal, and, yeah, it's much different from writing something here. Sometimes I feel that I'm lazier, there, about being correct or precise or not redundant or not obscure. Which is to be expected, I suppose.
It's Getting a Bit Longer than Usual
I wonder if I should just split these sections into separate entries. It'd seem weird to me, but maybe eventually I'll get used to it? Or, hmm. Delay posting about things until I have something more significant or thought-out to say about them. Decisions, decisions. (Probably I'll just end up being too lazy to do anything different from what I've been used to doing, anyway.)
A Final Note, Promise!
I seem to have slipped back into my old blogging voice. Most interesting.
So these past two days have been eerily like last week's Wednesday and Thursday. Heavy rains on Wednesday, class suspension on Thursday. Normally this would be a good thing, but I don't know.
Our classes that are scheduled to meet on Mondays and Thursdays are falling behind. And there are two more Mondays of no classes scheduled this August alone: 20 and 27, I think. This is bad. This is just going to mean that we'll be scrambling to finish the topics when the end of the semester nears.
Also we were supposed to have an exam last Monday, which was moved to today, then to tomorrow, and now it's scheduled next week. I haven't studied yet, I suppose I should. It's actually a bit uncomfortable when exams are postponed, sometimes. Coupled with the no classes today. It seems like today should not have been a break, but it turned out to be one (with me just reading Butlerian Jihad almost all this afternoon). So, it's a bit odd.
(Well, despite it being a far cry from the original Dune series, I'm still reading the next book in this prequel series: The Machine Crusade. I don't know, I guess I just want to find out what happens. And they aren't really horrible books, once you take them for what they are: action-packed space opera masquerading under the Dune name for greater sales.)
No News
Well, nothing much of interest happened today, future self. Tried to study for the Optics exam (that was supposed to be tomorrow), but when somebody told me it was postponed, well...
I should really resist the temptation to go back to bed after getting up in the morning. I end up taking naps, and basically just lazing around almost all day, thinking that I really should get up and do something else, but not doing so.
I have 570 entries on my Tabulas. (Link leads to the monthly archives.) I've kept it up for more than three years already, which seems like quite a long and, well, varied time, in retrospect.
It's quite fun to go back and consider that length of time, that period of my life that I've sporadically blogged about. I guess looking at my archives is one of the best ways for me to realize that I really do think that blogging is worthwhile.
I always get a renewed motivation to blog, just realizing that I already have a relatively extensive archive of the previous years. I can just imagine having an even greater archive, in the future. Wouldn't it be fun (or, at least, instructive) to be able to get into your past self's mind? Shoddy memory will not completely defeat me.
Even if I don't always remember exactly what I was thinking when I wrote all those past blog entries, just the feeling of resonance (for lack of a better term) is a bit nostalgic, a bit comforting, a sort of reminder that life goes on, that I'm still here.
I guess looking back would always make one curious about what the future is going to be like.
Journalling, Three!
So, I suppose "journalling" doesn't really have to be that much different from how I've been blogging, all this time. I suppose what's different is that I'm becoming more conscious about what things, exactly, I want to make a record of. It's becoming more intentionally a record of things that I think my future self would find interesting.
So the compromise is, I suppose, a bit of making these entries more... presentable? Although I'm not always conscious of doing so, I think that in these years of keeping a public blog my blogging "voice" has adjusted to take into account that, hey, other people actually read what I write here.
I've actually tried to keep a pen and paper journal, and, yeah, it's much different from writing something here. Sometimes I feel that I'm lazier, there, about being correct or precise or not redundant or not obscure. Which is to be expected, I suppose.
It's Getting a Bit Longer than Usual
I wonder if I should just split these sections into separate entries. It'd seem weird to me, but maybe eventually I'll get used to it? Or, hmm. Delay posting about things until I have something more significant or thought-out to say about them. Decisions, decisions. (Probably I'll just end up being too lazy to do anything different from what I've been used to doing, anyway.)
A Final Note, Promise!
I seem to have slipped back into my old blogging voice. Most interesting.
The Butlerian Jihad
Just finished Butlerian Jihad. Mildly entertaining, if more than a bit disappointing. Makes me want to reread the original Dune series instead. Much better, those books. Actually made history quite interesting, and made for very stimulating reading. This book (and from what I hear, all the other B. Herbert and Anderson "Dune" books), not so. Reviews are right: they are made for today's TV audiences. Cymeks? Come on! Haha.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Journal Entry Number Two
Otherwise known as the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas. But perhaps what is more relevant here is the 25th SPP Physics Congress about to be held soon.
Yay my paper is done. (Also, it's a bit odd, writing a journal here. Who am I writing for, myself, or yous guys? Can't... reconcile...)
So last night I began writing the paper in LaTeX, and finished most of the first draft before going to sleep. This morning I went to UP, to eventually meet Sir Perry at about 12 pm and ask for his comments on what I'd finished so far. Spent a few hours incorporating his suggestions and making other minor changes to the manuscript. By 3, I'd printed out a revised copy, and had Sir review it. He gave it the go signal and we submitted it using the online service at the SPP website.
Yay. My first actual original research paper. It isn't a particularly exciting or novel one, but it is my first. And having gone through the experience of writing one paper makes me a bit more comfortable about thinking of writing the (inevitable) next ones. (The thesis, though, is still a bit large in the future of my mind. That is, in the future, in my mind.)
If the manuscript gets approved, I'll get to go to the 3-day Congress! It should be an interesting experience.
Dragon fruit
I wasn't sure if this deserved its own heading, but there we are. My dad brought home some dragon fruits. They look like this (pictures are not mine, and plenty more could actually be Googled up, but hey here they are):
The rind can be peeled off by hand to reveal a round mass of fruit flesh dotted with small seeds, like those of a strawberry or kiwi. Tastewise, those are also the closest comparisons I can think of. Although dragon fruit flesh does seem a bit firmer than either, but I can't be sure. For some reason I am also reminded of pears.
It'd actually be good to use in shakes, and online sources say that it also makes for a good alcoholic drink. But apparently they are pretty rare, as the flower blooms only for one night, and hence has to be pollinated within that night in order to form the fruit. This translates to a cost of about thirty five pesos per fruit, which is a bit much, really. But once in a while, perhaps the novelty of the experience would be worth getting a few pieces.
This reminds me of that scene from some Miyazaki movie with the young girl and the pineapple. Her dad had bought the exotic (for them) fruit as a treat, but I think the particular fruit they get was not that sweet, or else they didn't find the taste much to their liking. So the girl (the protagonist, actually) goes and finishes everybody's servings, in a strange sort of maturity.
Journalling, Two
It still feels odd. I have the feeling that I could let myself go on in greater detail about things, but somehow I won't, out of respect for my readers, and, I don't know. Just because it doesn't seem like the kind of thing that I would actually do.
Although, I admit, the idea of having a relatively comprehensive record of life is appealing. Perhaps I should just look into getting a recorder? Haha. Naaah.
Otherwise known as the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas. But perhaps what is more relevant here is the 25th SPP Physics Congress about to be held soon.
Yay my paper is done. (Also, it's a bit odd, writing a journal here. Who am I writing for, myself, or yous guys? Can't... reconcile...)
So last night I began writing the paper in LaTeX, and finished most of the first draft before going to sleep. This morning I went to UP, to eventually meet Sir Perry at about 12 pm and ask for his comments on what I'd finished so far. Spent a few hours incorporating his suggestions and making other minor changes to the manuscript. By 3, I'd printed out a revised copy, and had Sir review it. He gave it the go signal and we submitted it using the online service at the SPP website.
Yay. My first actual original research paper. It isn't a particularly exciting or novel one, but it is my first. And having gone through the experience of writing one paper makes me a bit more comfortable about thinking of writing the (inevitable) next ones. (The thesis, though, is still a bit large in the future of my mind. That is, in the future, in my mind.)
If the manuscript gets approved, I'll get to go to the 3-day Congress! It should be an interesting experience.
Dragon fruit
I wasn't sure if this deserved its own heading, but there we are. My dad brought home some dragon fruits. They look like this (pictures are not mine, and plenty more could actually be Googled up, but hey here they are):
The rind can be peeled off by hand to reveal a round mass of fruit flesh dotted with small seeds, like those of a strawberry or kiwi. Tastewise, those are also the closest comparisons I can think of. Although dragon fruit flesh does seem a bit firmer than either, but I can't be sure. For some reason I am also reminded of pears.
It'd actually be good to use in shakes, and online sources say that it also makes for a good alcoholic drink. But apparently they are pretty rare, as the flower blooms only for one night, and hence has to be pollinated within that night in order to form the fruit. This translates to a cost of about thirty five pesos per fruit, which is a bit much, really. But once in a while, perhaps the novelty of the experience would be worth getting a few pieces.
This reminds me of that scene from some Miyazaki movie with the young girl and the pineapple. Her dad had bought the exotic (for them) fruit as a treat, but I think the particular fruit they get was not that sweet, or else they didn't find the taste much to their liking. So the girl (the protagonist, actually) goes and finishes everybody's servings, in a strange sort of maturity.
Journalling, Two
It still feels odd. I have the feeling that I could let myself go on in greater detail about things, but somehow I won't, out of respect for my readers, and, I don't know. Just because it doesn't seem like the kind of thing that I would actually do.
Although, I admit, the idea of having a relatively comprehensive record of life is appealing. Perhaps I should just look into getting a recorder? Haha. Naaah.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Journal Entry Number One
The Altoids Case
I got some more work done on the Altoids tin today. The square is now clearly visible from the other side, and the hole should be done in a few days at the latest. Pretty soon, I will have my own Altoids case for my new Creative Zen Micro player! Yay. (I still haven't finished the mints that were in the tin, haha. Following some sort of symmetry, they are now in the pouch that was bundled with the player. They are dark chocolate covered mints, and are pretty good, if pricey.)
We looked everywhere in SM North for those Altoids. They're not sold in the Hypermarket, or the candy section at the department store, or at the Pick & Mix stalls in the main building, or either of the Watson's outlets, or at the drugstore near the supermarket. We found them at last at the candy stall that used to be near Goldilocks, but is now at the Block near... Fully Booked? (Shoddy memory. I can't even remember for sure which floor it was on.)
In any case, we've been carving out a hole for the headphone jack to fit through since then. Using an exacto knife. It's going okay, but there are lots of scratches around the hole itself. We hope that they can be sanded away.
The carving out has actually been sort of fun. It takes a lot of your attention, but it's rather simple. And it's going to be pretty satisfying once the hole is finished. Makes me want to take up a craft, almost. (Knitting? Making chain mail?)
At least the foam inlay is done, and fits snugly without needing to be glued to the tin or anything. (Yay thanks Jeanne.) Hats off to the first person who thought of making a Zen Micro case out of an Altoids tin. But, really, the dimensions of the thing are quite suspicious, as if tailor made to fit into the mint tin. Can't wait for the case to be done.
Someone's Birthday
It's someone's birthday today. I think Ate Anne's. There was cake and I partook of it and I hadn't even greeted her yet. Shame on me. *sobs*
Also I don't know how old she is exactly. Thirty-something, to be sure. Also I am not a hundred percent sure that it's her birthday, but the evidence is overwhelming, i.e., there's birthday cake and I'm pretty sure no one else is having a birthday today. Haha.
I encoded another problem set in LaTex [wiki] today. I really like how neat the documents look, once they're done. (Hint: It puts MathType, or Microsoft's Equation Editor, to shame.) But it does take quite some time to encode things; I'm far from an expert yet, and I've only used it for a few problem set solutions and such.
It's got a few things going for it, though. One, it's pretty neat, and I like seeing the final solutions laid out so prettily. Two, if I begin to use it regularly, I'd have digital copies of my solutions, which could prove invaluable someday. (Not the fact that they're digital, especially, but the fact that they're problems that I've already solved. Being digital just makes them easier to keep track of, I suppose.) And three, it's probably going to be what I write my thesis on, so it'd be good to get comfortable with it already.
I'm not used to it, I find. I sound too chatty to myself. Why am I telling you these things, anyway?
I got some more work done on the Altoids tin today. The square is now clearly visible from the other side, and the hole should be done in a few days at the latest. Pretty soon, I will have my own Altoids case for my new Creative Zen Micro player! Yay. (I still haven't finished the mints that were in the tin, haha. Following some sort of symmetry, they are now in the pouch that was bundled with the player. They are dark chocolate covered mints, and are pretty good, if pricey.)
We looked everywhere in SM North for those Altoids. They're not sold in the Hypermarket, or the candy section at the department store, or at the Pick & Mix stalls in the main building, or either of the Watson's outlets, or at the drugstore near the supermarket. We found them at last at the candy stall that used to be near Goldilocks, but is now at the Block near... Fully Booked? (Shoddy memory. I can't even remember for sure which floor it was on.)
In any case, we've been carving out a hole for the headphone jack to fit through since then. Using an exacto knife. It's going okay, but there are lots of scratches around the hole itself. We hope that they can be sanded away.
The carving out has actually been sort of fun. It takes a lot of your attention, but it's rather simple. And it's going to be pretty satisfying once the hole is finished. Makes me want to take up a craft, almost. (Knitting? Making chain mail?)
At least the foam inlay is done, and fits snugly without needing to be glued to the tin or anything. (Yay thanks Jeanne.) Hats off to the first person who thought of making a Zen Micro case out of an Altoids tin. But, really, the dimensions of the thing are quite suspicious, as if tailor made to fit into the mint tin. Can't wait for the case to be done.
Someone's Birthday
It's someone's birthday today. I think Ate Anne's. There was cake and I partook of it and I hadn't even greeted her yet. Shame on me. *sobs*
Also I don't know how old she is exactly. Thirty-something, to be sure. Also I am not a hundred percent sure that it's her birthday, but the evidence is overwhelming, i.e., there's birthday cake and I'm pretty sure no one else is having a birthday today. Haha.
I encoded another problem set in LaTex [wiki] today. I really like how neat the documents look, once they're done. (Hint: It puts MathType, or Microsoft's Equation Editor, to shame.) But it does take quite some time to encode things; I'm far from an expert yet, and I've only used it for a few problem set solutions and such.
It's got a few things going for it, though. One, it's pretty neat, and I like seeing the final solutions laid out so prettily. Two, if I begin to use it regularly, I'd have digital copies of my solutions, which could prove invaluable someday. (Not the fact that they're digital, especially, but the fact that they're problems that I've already solved. Being digital just makes them easier to keep track of, I suppose.) And three, it's probably going to be what I write my thesis on, so it'd be good to get comfortable with it already.
I'm not used to it, I find. I sound too chatty to myself. Why am I telling you these things, anyway?
No I will not look over this entry and edit it. (P.S. I couldn't resist putting in that space.)
I don't seem to feel the same drive to blog as I used to. Now, I mostly have to force myself to go and write something here. I wonder why.
Partly, I suppose, it's because I've been busier lately. And also I'd stopped blogging regularly for quite a while.
Mostly I have a shoddy memory. I can't remember my childhood that clearly, except for some isolated instances and images. Like this yellow plastic truck that I used to play with. I can't visualize it exactly, but I can sort of summon up some vague sensory impressions: how it must've looked like, how big it felt under my fingers back then, how it felt to be pushing it along. Also when I was a kid I think I was not as hairy.
So to help my memory a little I really should develop the habit of journaling.
[start TV commercial person voice]
Because every life, even yours, is worth chronicling.
[/end TV commercial person voice]
I might as well start now. But not in this entry. For purposes of, I don't know, neatness, I'm going to separate the journal-type entries from the, er, others. Like this one and most of the recent ones.
Yes, I think I will go do that now.
Partly, I suppose, it's because I've been busier lately. And also I'd stopped blogging regularly for quite a while.
Mostly I have a shoddy memory. I can't remember my childhood that clearly, except for some isolated instances and images. Like this yellow plastic truck that I used to play with. I can't visualize it exactly, but I can sort of summon up some vague sensory impressions: how it must've looked like, how big it felt under my fingers back then, how it felt to be pushing it along. Also when I was a kid I think I was not as hairy.
So to help my memory a little I really should develop the habit of journaling.
[start TV commercial person voice]
Because every life, even yours, is worth chronicling.
[/end TV commercial person voice]
I might as well start now. But not in this entry. For purposes of, I don't know, neatness, I'm going to separate the journal-type entries from the, er, others. Like this one and most of the recent ones.
Yes, I think I will go do that now.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
This title refuses to be helpful.
I'm out of practice at this. Let's see.
I have yet to decide whether I really want to pursue this physics thing. I've been advised by this graduate student I know that I should begin planning if I intend to continue studying abroad right after finishing my undergraduate degree here. (He spoke to me with the conviction of experience.)
On one hand, I'm not doing so bad at this. Well, I manage to stay somewhere in the upper half of my batch, at least (a bit of false modesty, hem hem). But, well, on the other hand, I'm not doing spectacularly. Perhaps I'm expecting too much, or, that is, looking for too obvious a confirmation of my life decisions.
I don't know.
In any case, it's not my place to be complaining about anything, really, but sometimes I just wish I could be someone more... effectual. Or, for that matter, someone who knew what he wants to affect. BUT ANYWAY.
I've recently upgraded to a 5 gig player, and I'm not used to having almost all of my music in my pocket yet. (Yeah, pretty small collection, I suppose, relatively.) No idea how to create playlists, but it should be fun to learn how to put songs together for greater effect.
So far, having an actual screen, and being able to browse through the songs easily, are the main novelties. Also the nifty touch pad.
I must not let the lazy defeat meeee
I have yet to decide whether I really want to pursue this physics thing. I've been advised by this graduate student I know that I should begin planning if I intend to continue studying abroad right after finishing my undergraduate degree here. (He spoke to me with the conviction of experience.)
On one hand, I'm not doing so bad at this. Well, I manage to stay somewhere in the upper half of my batch, at least (a bit of false modesty, hem hem). But, well, on the other hand, I'm not doing spectacularly. Perhaps I'm expecting too much, or, that is, looking for too obvious a confirmation of my life decisions.
I don't know.
In any case, it's not my place to be complaining about anything, really, but sometimes I just wish I could be someone more... effectual. Or, for that matter, someone who knew what he wants to affect. BUT ANYWAY.
I've recently upgraded to a 5 gig player, and I'm not used to having almost all of my music in my pocket yet. (Yeah, pretty small collection, I suppose, relatively.) No idea how to create playlists, but it should be fun to learn how to put songs together for greater effect.
So far, having an actual screen, and being able to browse through the songs easily, are the main novelties. Also the nifty touch pad.
I must not let the lazy defeat meeee
Monday, August 06, 2007
CWTS and other matters
This semester is the first of the two semesters that we'll be having CWTS. So far, it's been pretty easy, if time-consuming. Right now I am at the NIP Library, taking a break from inputting the undergraduate theses into the catalog.
Actually, I don't really need to work. We've asked Kuya Felix, the guy in charge, and it seems that it's okay to just log in and sit here to earn our required hours. And he doesn't really check on what I'm doing, so I could pretend to be editing the catalog while actually just poking about on the Internet. But, well.
Mm, it's a new library, and pretty small at the moment - hardly anyone goes here. But there are already computers here that are just waiting to be fixed and made ready for use. And it'd be a nice place to sleep, if only it weren't located all the way out here in the new Physics building: it's nice and cold and quiet, and there are no people.
Even if it's fairly easy, CWTS is still going to take a lot of time: fifty six hours during this first semester alone. (I think the second sem of CWTS is going to take that long, as well?) That's already the equivalent of a sem's worth of class time of a 3-unit subject, roughly. And I've garnered only about 17 hours, including this (yet to end) three hour session.
And I think our CWTS group is about to be transferred from our cushy spot here in the library to either administrative work (secretary's office), or student assistant work at the SPP (Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas). This is the best assignment, by far. We hardly do any work (well, relatively: we have already arranged a lot of the books by call number, and updated the catalog quite a bit, etc etc), and we can pretty much go here whenever we're available, as long as Kuya Felix is around (which he is, every weekday, 8 am to 5 pm).
So, am taking advantage of the long break that I have, MTh. I've done four hours all in all, today (since we didn't meet for our first class and some of us stayed here for an hour this morning). So, in short, CWTS = minor hassle, but a hassle nonetheless.
Other matters: I've been sleepy a lot lately. Yes, I am doing a lot of things for school and such, but I'm just worried if I'm not getting enough sleep, or if I'm not eating properly. Lately (read: a few days ago) I've been getting to exercise regularly again, maybe that'll help with the lethargy.
Anyway, I've only thirty minutes to go, I suppose I might as well finish up the rest of the undergraduate theses. Zoooom.
Actually, I don't really need to work. We've asked Kuya Felix, the guy in charge, and it seems that it's okay to just log in and sit here to earn our required hours. And he doesn't really check on what I'm doing, so I could pretend to be editing the catalog while actually just poking about on the Internet. But, well.
Mm, it's a new library, and pretty small at the moment - hardly anyone goes here. But there are already computers here that are just waiting to be fixed and made ready for use. And it'd be a nice place to sleep, if only it weren't located all the way out here in the new Physics building: it's nice and cold and quiet, and there are no people.
Even if it's fairly easy, CWTS is still going to take a lot of time: fifty six hours during this first semester alone. (I think the second sem of CWTS is going to take that long, as well?) That's already the equivalent of a sem's worth of class time of a 3-unit subject, roughly. And I've garnered only about 17 hours, including this (yet to end) three hour session.
And I think our CWTS group is about to be transferred from our cushy spot here in the library to either administrative work (secretary's office), or student assistant work at the SPP (Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas). This is the best assignment, by far. We hardly do any work (well, relatively: we have already arranged a lot of the books by call number, and updated the catalog quite a bit, etc etc), and we can pretty much go here whenever we're available, as long as Kuya Felix is around (which he is, every weekday, 8 am to 5 pm).
So, am taking advantage of the long break that I have, MTh. I've done four hours all in all, today (since we didn't meet for our first class and some of us stayed here for an hour this morning). So, in short, CWTS = minor hassle, but a hassle nonetheless.
Other matters: I've been sleepy a lot lately. Yes, I am doing a lot of things for school and such, but I'm just worried if I'm not getting enough sleep, or if I'm not eating properly. Lately (read: a few days ago) I've been getting to exercise regularly again, maybe that'll help with the lethargy.
Anyway, I've only thirty minutes to go, I suppose I might as well finish up the rest of the undergraduate theses. Zoooom.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Science writing
...seems like an interesting enough option. I would still get to be geeky, without having to dig too deep into the technical stuff. Not that I hate the technical stuff, exactly, just that sometimes, well, I feel lazy about it. Eheh.
Although I suppose being a science writer would still take work, if only of a different kind. But somehow, it doesn't seem like it would not be as tedious as research can be. But I really don't know yet.
I mean, sure I've been technically a member of the Theoretical Physics Group for over a year now, but it's only been recently that we've been starting on the actual research. And I suppose it's a bit overwhelming, finding out that I don't know nearly enough yet to be able to go into any worthwhile research yet. (Yes, I don't even have an undergraduate degree yet, but that's beside the point. I think.)
In any case, I'll have to get used to research work in time for my thesis next year. It's not been so bad, so far, except that I don't know how to gauge if I'm working at a slow pace or not. I feel like I'm not doing enough, but coursework should still come first, at this point, shouldn't it?
Anyway. Enough about me.
Although I suppose being a science writer would still take work, if only of a different kind. But somehow, it doesn't seem like it would not be as tedious as research can be. But I really don't know yet.
I mean, sure I've been technically a member of the Theoretical Physics Group for over a year now, but it's only been recently that we've been starting on the actual research. And I suppose it's a bit overwhelming, finding out that I don't know nearly enough yet to be able to go into any worthwhile research yet. (Yes, I don't even have an undergraduate degree yet, but that's beside the point. I think.)
In any case, I'll have to get used to research work in time for my thesis next year. It's not been so bad, so far, except that I don't know how to gauge if I'm working at a slow pace or not. I feel like I'm not doing enough, but coursework should still come first, at this point, shouldn't it?
Anyway. Enough about me.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Idea dump.
I will begin jotting down thoughts and ideas that I'd been meaning to blog about but haven't had the time to. Now.
I like how having a blog makes it more likely for me to actually think about how to express things, i.e. observations, realizations, perceptions, possible insights. Since there is now a possible venue for talking about these things, I become justified in thinking about them? That seems about right.
The only problem is that, well, I'm still in a bit of a time management mess. Like right now. I was all set on doing this blog post, but I got distracted by this other blog, Cosmic Variance. This led to some other mostly clueless pokings about in the physics section of the intarwubs.
And now I'm too sleepy to continue, good night. Yawns.
I like how having a blog makes it more likely for me to actually think about how to express things, i.e. observations, realizations, perceptions, possible insights. Since there is now a possible venue for talking about these things, I become justified in thinking about them? That seems about right.
The only problem is that, well, I'm still in a bit of a time management mess. Like right now. I was all set on doing this blog post, but I got distracted by this other blog, Cosmic Variance. This led to some other mostly clueless pokings about in the physics section of the intarwubs.
And now I'm too sleepy to continue, good night. Yawns.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Free time, please.
Well, because of my horrid schedule, it seems as if I don't have that much free time anymore. I go to school early in the morning everyday (the latest being on Wednesdays, 10:30 am). On Fridays, yes, I finish by 11:30 am, but that's my only good day.
Tuesdays I get off at 4 pm. Pretty decent. Wednesdays, the lecture and progress reports in the afternoon usually finish by 5 pm or so. Mondays and Thursdays, though, I'm in school until 7 pm. Two classes in the morning, then a six hour break, then a last class 5:30 to 7 pm. Whee.
Yes, yes, I brought this on myself by taking that graduate class on General Relativity (hah, and he brags - just so you guys know, it isn't that much of a bragging point as it would sound, although it is, I suppose, a graduate class, which has to count for something), but I didn't expect it to be that much of a hassle. But it is. On top of everything else I'm doing, it feels as if I'm rushing to do too many things just to get some breathing space and be able to afford to slow down a little.
Just recently, I've had two exams in relatively quick succession (one last Saturday, and another this morning), and I seemed to have had to be studying and doing work almost continuously, what with problem sets and the article writing sideline to consider as well.
The thing is, I have this notion that I have to have some sort of buffer of finished work before I can relax and not worry about looming deadlines and the like. And I can get sort of overwhelmed in my head pretty easily, just enumerating the things that I still have to do in the near future. (But just in my head, and not, you know, a real kind of overwhelmed. Just, a fleeting mental overwhelmed-ness, more of a worried realization, or something? Anyway.)
Anyway. I think I need to slow down. I do sound in a bit of a rush, don't I?
Tuesdays I get off at 4 pm. Pretty decent. Wednesdays, the lecture and progress reports in the afternoon usually finish by 5 pm or so. Mondays and Thursdays, though, I'm in school until 7 pm. Two classes in the morning, then a six hour break, then a last class 5:30 to 7 pm. Whee.
Yes, yes, I brought this on myself by taking that graduate class on General Relativity (hah, and he brags - just so you guys know, it isn't that much of a bragging point as it would sound, although it is, I suppose, a graduate class, which has to count for something), but I didn't expect it to be that much of a hassle. But it is. On top of everything else I'm doing, it feels as if I'm rushing to do too many things just to get some breathing space and be able to afford to slow down a little.
Just recently, I've had two exams in relatively quick succession (one last Saturday, and another this morning), and I seemed to have had to be studying and doing work almost continuously, what with problem sets and the article writing sideline to consider as well.
The thing is, I have this notion that I have to have some sort of buffer of finished work before I can relax and not worry about looming deadlines and the like. And I can get sort of overwhelmed in my head pretty easily, just enumerating the things that I still have to do in the near future. (But just in my head, and not, you know, a real kind of overwhelmed. Just, a fleeting mental overwhelmed-ness, more of a worried realization, or something? Anyway.)
Anyway. I think I need to slow down. I do sound in a bit of a rush, don't I?
horrid schedule,
in a hurry,
no free time
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Greetings, ladies.
I haven't been blogging for quite some time now, and I suppose this is my attempt at returning to the habit. I can't really tell you why I've decided to move virtual house, except that it feels right. Perhaps it will help to dispel the stagnancy, perhaps it will refresh and make the new start a real one.
I notice a tendency to shrink away from more conversational tones, sometimes, but now that I think about it, why should I? It's not like I don't have a sparkling personality to let shine through the carefully casual constructions that are my online words. (In case you didn't get that, I do. I do shine.)
Greetings, greetings. Logistics first: my archives are at my Tabulas (with a portion thereof crossposted to my Livejournal). Those are where I came from, with the Tabulas blog being the original one (containing, as such, the very first clumsy attempts and other... historical oddities).
The reason for this return is simple: I want to get myself writing and keep myself writing again. If only to relive the nostalgic days of my youth. Ah, youth. So, the jump!
I notice a tendency to shrink away from more conversational tones, sometimes, but now that I think about it, why should I? It's not like I don't have a sparkling personality to let shine through the carefully casual constructions that are my online words. (In case you didn't get that, I do. I do shine.)
Greetings, greetings. Logistics first: my archives are at my Tabulas (with a portion thereof crossposted to my Livejournal). Those are where I came from, with the Tabulas blog being the original one (containing, as such, the very first clumsy attempts and other... historical oddities).
The reason for this return is simple: I want to get myself writing and keep myself writing again. If only to relive the nostalgic days of my youth. Ah, youth. So, the jump!
first post,
mission statement
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