Monday, July 30, 2007

Free time, please.

Well, because of my horrid schedule, it seems as if I don't have that much free time anymore. I go to school early in the morning everyday (the latest being on Wednesdays, 10:30 am). On Fridays, yes, I finish by 11:30 am, but that's my only good day.

Tuesdays I get off at 4 pm. Pretty decent. Wednesdays, the lecture and progress reports in the afternoon usually finish by 5 pm or so. Mondays and Thursdays, though, I'm in school until 7 pm. Two classes in the morning, then a six hour break, then a last class 5:30 to 7 pm. Whee.

Yes, yes, I brought this on myself by taking that graduate class on General Relativity (hah, and he brags - just so you guys know, it isn't that much of a bragging point as it would sound, although it is, I suppose, a graduate class, which has to count for something), but I didn't expect it to be that much of a hassle. But it is. On top of everything else I'm doing, it feels as if I'm rushing to do too many things just to get some breathing space and be able to afford to slow down a little.

Just recently, I've had two exams in relatively quick succession (one last Saturday, and another this morning), and I seemed to have had to be studying and doing work almost continuously, what with problem sets and the article writing sideline to consider as well.

The thing is, I have this notion that I have to have some sort of buffer of finished work before I can relax and not worry about looming deadlines and the like. And I can get sort of overwhelmed in my head pretty easily, just enumerating the things that I still have to do in the near future. (But just in my head, and not, you know, a real kind of overwhelmed. Just, a fleeting mental overwhelmed-ness, more of a worried realization, or something? Anyway.)

Anyway. I think I need to slow down. I do sound in a bit of a rush, don't I?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Greetings, ladies.

I haven't been blogging for quite some time now, and I suppose this is my attempt at returning to the habit. I can't really tell you why I've decided to move virtual house, except that it feels right. Perhaps it will help to dispel the stagnancy, perhaps it will refresh and make the new start a real one.

I notice a tendency to shrink away from more conversational tones, sometimes, but now that I think about it, why should I? It's not like I don't have a sparkling personality to let shine through the carefully casual constructions that are my online words. (In case you didn't get that, I do. I do shine.)

Greetings, greetings. Logistics first: my archives are at my Tabulas (with a portion thereof crossposted to my Livejournal). Those are where I came from, with the Tabulas blog being the original one (containing, as such, the very first clumsy attempts and other... historical oddities).

The reason for this return is simple: I want to get myself writing and keep myself writing again. If only to relive the nostalgic days of my youth. Ah, youth. So, the jump!