Sunday, July 29, 2007

Greetings, ladies.

I haven't been blogging for quite some time now, and I suppose this is my attempt at returning to the habit. I can't really tell you why I've decided to move virtual house, except that it feels right. Perhaps it will help to dispel the stagnancy, perhaps it will refresh and make the new start a real one.

I notice a tendency to shrink away from more conversational tones, sometimes, but now that I think about it, why should I? It's not like I don't have a sparkling personality to let shine through the carefully casual constructions that are my online words. (In case you didn't get that, I do. I do shine.)

Greetings, greetings. Logistics first: my archives are at my Tabulas (with a portion thereof crossposted to my Livejournal). Those are where I came from, with the Tabulas blog being the original one (containing, as such, the very first clumsy attempts and other... historical oddities).

The reason for this return is simple: I want to get myself writing and keep myself writing again. If only to relive the nostalgic days of my youth. Ah, youth. So, the jump!


  1. "It's not like I don't have a sparkling personality to let shine through the carefully casual constructions that are my online words. (In case you didn't get that, I do. I do shine.)"

    How very Jomel of you. =P

    (BTW, this is Yas. Hehe. Yay to having net at home again! Hehehe.)

  2. 'ah youth' ka dyan. pblllt. *raspberry*
