Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oranges, the summer job.

I seem to have taken a liking to oranges. Any kind, really. I only started eating oranges back when I went on that (probably ill-advised?) "Warrior Diet", which consisted of eating nothing but water and perhaps a few pieces of fruit during the day, then gorging at night after a daily exercise routine. (It made some sort of sense at the time. To be fair, it did get me to exercise. Somewhat.)

I like peeling the orange by hand, carefully breaking it into two intact halves, and eating segment by segment. Biting into the whole peeled orange, while interesting, is much too messy, and makes one feel rather like a monkey.

I love the smell of orange peel. After finishing the orange, I usually have some more fun folding the peel pieces outside in, squeezing the fragrant oil (juice?) out. (The fragrance can squirt out pretty hard, I've learned to be careful not to get any in my eyes. Eheh.) I think I kept one orange's worth in my backpack until the pieces dried up into leather (that was fun)

Okay, that's enough about oranges I guess.

It hasn't yet really sunk in that I'm going to be working at a call center for the next two and a half months or so. Have been getting rather tired of the whole lazy vacation routine, truth be told. The onset of work is actually timed perfectly to assuage the emerging guilt about not doing anything productive. I suppose when work gets into full swing I won't have much energy left for thinking about anything else upon getting home but sleep.

Tomorrow I should get the clutter from last semester cleaned up already. Hnh, yeah, right.

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