Tuesday, November 20, 2007

You see a new notice on the otherwise bare wall. Read it? (Y/N) _

Hey, people. I'm thinking of writing some interactive fiction, something like a choose your own adventure game, only in digital form, and with slightly more complicated mechanics.

It's going to be fun both in a programming sense and in a writing sense, so it should be a healthy (in the sense that it won't die out too quickly) diversion.

Anyway, preliminary question to the handful of people who still visit. If I finished the game (or the interactive fiction piece, whatever), would you play it?


  1. Anonymous6:23 PM

    One of my most favorite games ever was this pair of books called Arena of Death in which you and your opponent take one book each and play as gladiators stalking each other through a trap-laden monster-filled underworld. Was great fun.

    The point being, yes. I'd play. Hehe.

  2. haha, eugh, thesis memories.:p but sure.:D baztah ikaw. haha, how very borges. and i remember your app sig sheet back then. sir A was pretty impressed. and that was just linear-ish, too. so this is bound to be interesting. ^_^

    reminds me of online caroline. ^^ will it be something like that? will you be using storyspace or similar?
