Thursday, January 10, 2008

The list.

I never did get around to making a comprehensive list of the things that I want to do or accomplish or implement this year. (I did list some resolutions a bit perfunctorily over here, I guess I'll give it a shot. In no particular order, or that is, in the order that I think of them, we have...

Exercise and live more healthily in general. I think this is important. My parents are both hypertensive, and I've had high blood pressure at times in the past, as well. And of course I'm much flabbier than I'd like to be. I think I've been making some (tiny) progress on this, having exercised on eight out of the ten days (so far) of this year. Dietwise, well, I'm working on it.

Another thing is to try and 'exercise' my problem solving skills, my physical intuition, and so on. The things that I would need to have in great shape, if I am to seriously enter theoretical physics. As it is, I think my approach is a bit too coursework-centric, i.e., I just study when there's an exam, I just solve required problems, and so on.

Sure, I'm doing well enough grades-wise, but I can't help but still feel inadequate. Other qualities to try to hone include independence and the indulgence and fostering of curiosity. I'm not sure how to go about doing anything about these yet, really.

Get better organized. Some progress here, too, if you can believe it. I've been making a to-do list daily, and have been able to plan for almost a week in advance, at times! (Amazing, I know.) I have yet to figure out how to use my current organizer format (index cards clipped together) for things of longer terms than just a few days. My room is still a mess, though, but, hey, baby steps.

Deal better with stress. I may seem like an easygoing guy, but there are times when small things can get me too uncomfortable. Unfinished problem sets, little things not going according to some plan, or even just the contemplation of the things that I'm missing or possibly doing wrong. (Er. You guys who're still in the same rather confused phase of life as I am in should know what I mean.)

I'm working on this, too. I've been noticing more often whenever I react inordinately to events, and whether these reactions are just brought about by some mood or other (irritable, frustrated, tired, take your pick).

Write more, get better at it. I think this is another thing I've been neglecting. I'm trying to get blogging to become a habit again. I've found that I'm generally more creative if I've been blogging a lot. I guess part of it's the practice of writing itself, even just blog entries. And another part is of course getting into the general vicinity of the creative mindset, if that makes any sense to you.

Socialize. Hey, I shouldn't knock it before I actually try it. I've always wanted to try being nice to people I don't know, but I suspect that that's still a long way down the road. In the meantime, perhaps I should try, I don't know, actually talking to people? (I think I've been improving, a little bit.)

I think that's pretty much it. Typical set of goals, I suppose, if self-centered (well, no duh) and humanistic, but that's the order of the day in my slice of society, so hey here we are.

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