Thursday, February 05, 2009

Meme time! (25 randomnesses)

Okay, so this has been making the rounds on Facebook, but since I don't check there very often, I didn't notice I'd been tagged until I felt like doing this meme anyway (and checked to see if I was justified, haha). Without further ado, I present to you a twenty-five-item list of things you may or may not care to know about me:

1. Let's start with the easy ones. I was a premature baby, expelled into this world after just seven months in the womb. I weighed only three pounds, could fit inside a shoe box, and had to stay in a hospital incubator for a while. (Morbidity: some of my aunts had apparently already been thinking about making funeral arrangements.)

2. Also, I was born when my mother was already in menopause. You know what they say about premature/menopause babies, right, and we have a double whammy right here!

3. So my siblings are all more than a decade (or fourteen years, to be precise) older than I am.

4. My siblings are all married, with children, and all their children have so far been female. Does this suggest that I am going to be the one to produce the necessary male to perpetuate the Imperio name? PERHAPS.

5. I used to always put "to be the smartest man in the world" as my Ambition on those "autograph books" (or notebooks of random information about people: likes, dislikes, motto, and so on) that were popular for a while when I was in grade school. Must've been the consequence of having confused good performance in school with, you know, intelligence.

6. In high school, a service-mate of mine from Miriam once gave me a heart-shaped box of Ferrero chocolates for Valentine's. Whether this was on a dare, in jest, or as a gesture of heartfelt pity, we will never know.

7. I have lost count of the cellphones I have lost, over the years. The most expensive one being a thirty thousand Samsung sliding camphone unit. (Which by the way was conned from me, but that just means I lost it through stupidity and not plain carelessness.)

8. All of my PE classes in college have been of the lame kind: PE1 (lecture), ten-pin bowling, duck-pin bowling, and scrabble. Physically inept nerd.

9. I have had a paranormal experience, of sorts. This happened when I was in college already, so maybe last year or a couple of years ago. Sitting on a chair in front of the computer in my room, I felt a strange warmth increasingly suffusing my body, while at the same time hearing some creepy mumbling voice(s). It was one of those things that, right before them, you get a mounting feeling of anticipation or foreknowledge. It lasted only for a short while, and nothing of the sort has happened ever again.

10. I am most definitely an introvert, and can only be really comfortable around people I know well (enough). Even then, I find myself needing to withdraw and be alone inside my head from time to time. People who know me should be familiar with these quiet and not-so-quiet phases.

11. In relation to the above, I usually prefer one-on-one conversations, or interacting with a small group of people, to having to be part of a large group.

12. I only learned how to bike last Sunday, January 25, 2009. The blister I got on my right hand from gripping the handlebars too hard is only now scabbing over.

13. I only started to seriously consider (creative) writing as a strong interest or a field to explore and improve my skills in fairly recently, when I was already in college. Of course, I haven't gotten too far yet, but I am aware than I want to at least try to get somewhere, I think. Or maybe realize that I won't be able to go too far, or that I don't have too far to go, and okay I'm losing my point here.

14. I started blogging on Tabulas near the end of my fourth year in high school, January 2004 to be more precise. So I have been blogging, on and off, for more than five years. See where that has gotten me!

15. A few months ago I've begun doodling semi-regularly. It's fun, moderately rewarding for the small amount of effort I have to put in, and it gives me things to fill a tumblr with! Awesome. Maybe someday I'll learn enough from doodling to get better at drawing. Or, like a thousand monkeys, realize the minuscule probability of creating a masterpiece out of sheer luck.

16. I have a fairly high alcohol tolerance. 

17. Only on two occasions have I drunk a little too much. One had me throwing up, while the other had me "passing out" inside a locked bathroom (I was apparently still responding sensibly to people knocking and asking if I was alright, but I didn't remember anything afterward.).

18. I have consumed alcohol in my room, alone. I was curious, okay. Verdict: not really worth it, for me. I guess it was a little easier to fall asleep afterward, but I don't really need the help, yet.

19. Speaking of substance abuse, I think I have recently become dependent on coffee for energy. I'd like to relieve myself of the dependency, but I don't think I can afford to have the withdrawal period right now, with the thesis deadline looming. Maybe afterward.

20. As a kid, I once almost let myself drown. I was conscious that I was about to drown, but somehow laid-back or resigned about the whole thing. Fortunately my brother noticed and pulled me up before I lost consciousness.

21. I am missing one permanent tooth - it had to go because of a painful cavity that was too deep to just fill in. So remember kids, take care of your teeth!

22. I have been keeping track of what I eat for nearly five weeks now, and also trying to eat smaller meals, but more often. I don't know at this stage if it's just wishful thinking, but it seems to be working. I can comfortably tighten my belt a notch further than I used to be able to.

23. Even though I realize that grades aren't always a good measure of understanding, excellence, or intelligence, I still can't shake grade-consciousness. I blame the consistent high grades, always being in the honor section, et cetera. For instance, I still care about what grade I get for Bio 11, even though in the long run, just a passing grade would be enough (it's my only subject left!).

24. I would probably enjoy being in the academe and eventually becoming a professor, but for now I think I'd rather explore my options. However...

25. In the broadest sense, I still don't know what to do with my life. That's probably no surprise!

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