Saturday, August 18, 2007

Jens Lekman!

I'm excited to get to listen to Jens Lekman's [wiki] new album, Night Falls Over Kortedala. It's about to be released soon, and already a few tracks can be found online.

Jens Lekman is a Swedish pop singer-songwriter, known for his charming, witty, and sometimes wistful songs. His voice has, apart from an altogether endearing Swedish accent, this earnest quality that I really like. From his lyrics there emerges a persona that seems to fit perfectly with his voice: carefree but sincere, put-upon but determined, the geeky guy who always seems to be unlucky in love.

Regardless of whether he's singing about a happy relationship or a not-so-happy one, good memories or painful ones, there's no argument - he means it. Oddly enough, this sincerity doesn't exactly make his songs sappy (even with his penchant for soft pop tunes), although you might expect it to. His lyrics are original and inventive enough, in their own way, to render his take on these old sentiments unique.

I'd post illustrative excerpts, but it just wouldn't be the same, divorced from the music and his wonderful voice. So, yeah.

Anyway, his songs should speak for themselves. (I say this mostly because I'm finding out that I don't much yet know how to express opinions on concrete things such as music, or even books. Not to a wide audience, at least. It's actually pretty hard to convey enthusiasm without seeming childish or too biased. Haha. Took me a while to get this far, even. Anyway the rambling belongs to a different post. Yes. Jens Lekman, people.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, yeah, go marry him already. (I mean, let's. Haha.)

    And yep, so gushy!
