Sunday, August 12, 2007

No I will not look over this entry and edit it. (P.S. I couldn't resist putting in that space.)

I don't seem to feel the same drive to blog as I used to. Now, I mostly have to force myself to go and write something here. I wonder why.

Partly, I suppose, it's because I've been busier lately. And also I'd stopped blogging regularly for quite a while.

Mostly I have a shoddy memory. I can't remember my childhood that clearly, except for some isolated instances and images. Like this yellow plastic truck that I used to play with. I can't visualize it exactly, but I can sort of summon up some vague sensory impressions: how it must've looked like, how big it felt under my fingers back then, how it felt to be pushing it along. Also when I was a kid I think I was not as hairy.

So to help my memory a little I really should develop the habit of journaling.

[start TV commercial person voice]
Because every life, even yours, is worth chronicling.
[/end TV commercial person voice]

I might as well start now. But not in this entry. For purposes of, I don't know, neatness, I'm going to separate the journal-type entries from the, er, others. Like this one and most of the recent ones.

Yes, I think I will go do that now.


  1. Also when I was a kid I think I was not as hairy.


  2. It's truuuue. (Proof: without facial hair, I look like a kid. QED.)
