Monday, August 20, 2007

Journal Entry Number Four

Today's notes

Today, I applied for Bayantel DSL, but apparently I have to wait and see if they'll be able to allocate facilities for me. Something to do with the area my house is in not yet being heavily covered by their services, I suppose. PLDT DSL is always possible, but I'd rather make that the last, fall-back option.

Lunch was at Sbarro. We seem to be frequenting this restaurant more than any other at SM North. We seem to think that it has a good balance between quality, price, and portion size.

Then we had coffee and cake at Chocolat. Pretty nice. Business seems to be picking up for them - the five or so tables they had were all occupied when we left. I suppose it's partly because it is a holiday today.

Then wandered around a bit at Trinoma. I remarked that I hadn't bought a book in a while, and fortuitously when we passed by Powerbooks they had a sale going on: 20% off on most items! Got Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Murakami. I would've gotten a graphic novel or something equally more expensive (to increase the discount, of course), but their graphic novel section was sadly lacking. (Fully Booked nearby (at SM) has a much better comics and graphic novel section.)

Realized that we indeed do spend quite a lot, when we hang out at malls. Considered cutting back a bit, but rationalized, hey, we were each earning a bit extra on side jobs, anyway, so what the heck. (And, well, we have begun saving up monthly for no particular reason. So why deny ourselves these little consumer comforts?)

Late hate

I hate being late. This is why I've stopped hitching a ride in the mornings with my brother, haha. They're too easily delayed, and a few minutes in the morning counts for a lot in terms of avoiding the morning rush.

I was going to meet Jeanne at 11 am, and by 10:30 I was set to leave, but then it seemed that my family was also going out anyway, so I waited, and so I did, and it stretched out until it was 11:30 and I ended up being an hour late. Aha.

If ever I somehow become in charge of a family, I'll be sure to instill in them a respect for punctuality. (Although I suppose it's naturally harder to get a group of people ready to leave than it is to get ready by myself, but still I think I do still have a point. Yes.)

Requisite rambling section

So it's back to the normal daily grind tomorrow. (Well, not exactly, as it so happens that our lab class tomorrow won't be meeting. But still.)

I don't know. I haven't been able to use the sudden many days of no classes properly, but neither has anyone else, I'd expect. Yay all of us!

I think I'm ready to try my hand at creative writing again. Blogging is well and good, but all this journaling is getting too much. But I don't know what to try to write - after all this time, I still don't know how my creative process really works. (Aha, as if it does, cue sting - i.e., *badum TSH*!)

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